84. Be-you-tiful

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You know how's the world

being portrayed right now -

young girls have to be pretty,

women have to be elegant,

men are supposed to be macho,

men should not be feminist,

boys are supposed to be smarter

and people are being judged

based on their races and religions.

Being who you are is beautiful.

Being able to stand for something

you believe in is beautiful.

Knowing you, yourself, the best

and not to succumb to the hate

is beautiful and strong.

Love yourself.

Embrace your flaws.

Beauty, after all, is in

the eyes of the beholder.

Be you.

They'll love you.

Stay happy,

stay strong,

and finally,

stay you.
Hello, new update you guys?! So I just read a book and just got the vibes to update yaknow? It was all about beauty and stuff and younger generations loving themselves lesser and lesser. Don't succumb to the hate and do something you will regret. There's always alternate ways and there are THOUSANDS of ways to be happy. Your friends and your family care about you. Don't ever think that they don't. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember, STAY HAPPY. <3


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