39. Judged

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I was born to be like that.

What are you going to do about me? 

Make me prettier? Make me skinnier? Or what, just let me die?

I know, people judge me but doesn't everyone judges other people right now?

If you want everyone to be perfect, continue to dream on.

Because everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect.

Everyone has flaws, everyone have their own advantages and their own disadvantages.

If you think you're perfect and have the rights to judge people, 

you shouldn't be a human right now.

You should deserve to be a goddess or God, don't you think?

"Don't judge a book by its cover."

You don't know my story, my flaws, my advantages and disadvantages,

so go fuck yourself and stop judging other people and judge yourself instead.

You're ordinary, just like us. Find your flaws, fix them, forget them.

Just because you're on a higher standard than us,

doesn't means that people in lower standards should be judged by you.

Everyone don't deserve to be judged by other people. They don't know your story.


It's a little emotional on this chapter, don't you think? So this chapter is mostly dedicated to those people who have been bullied or judged by other people. I'm gonna write another story time regarding about this chapter later. So check it out if you want to read my story! 


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