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It's weird to be inside a rock. The Overworold is just weird in general. Dawn is weird, too. That's the human girl who summoned me. Dawn is such a weird thing to call yourself. Numbers are nice and simple, but I find that human names are just random syllables thrown together. I really would have preferred an animal then a necklace to inhabit. I'm completely defenseless in protecting it physically. If someone were to crack the necklace while I'm in the Overwolrd, I'll die along with it.

I'm not bound to it, though. I appear in the corner of Dawn's vision, sometimes there and sometimes not. I'm just protecting an image of myself outside of the jewel in her necklace. Although I don't project my wings, tail, or horns. Just my read eyes that slightly glow in the dark. My presence radiates a sort of darkness that has only now shown up, since I have a physical form in the mortal plane. I use my mirrors to see from my projection's point of view. It's just simpler this way. My body looks solid, but my feet don't make sounds on the leaves or make footprints. A blade would go right through my projection and I won't even flinch.

I shouldn't ask where we're going. It's not my place, for now. A big part of being a demon is patience. I don't have patience. "So where are we going? Who pissed in your cereal?", I giggle, appearing in front of Dawn. She frowns at me. "I didn't know that demons were so..... like you", she grumbles. "How can you insult me so!?", I dramatically cry, falling on my knees as Dawn walks past my projection. She rolls her eyes at me. "Your just lucky I guess", I respond while appearing right next to her. It's been so long since someone had spent so much time around me without leaving.

"We're going to see some old friends of mine", she finally spits out with venom lacing her words. Some demons actually do spit venom. I personally think that it's gross. "What did they do? Kill your parents? Murder your sibling? Eat the last pop tart?", I ask her. Dawn slightly growls at me. She is human, right? Her scent is human, and you can't change scent very easily. I wouldn't be surprised if she was one fifth wolverine. And then she suddenly whirls around to face my projection that was walking behind her. "I was going to be the leader of an entire army!", she yells at me, "I was so close but the General's stupid friend didn't think I was good enough for him".

I find it hilarious when she tries to shove me. Her hands go right through me. Ok, I might have gone too far now, even if this mortal is a power-hungry bitch. "Ok, I'm sorry. I apologize for my actions", I mutter. Dawn doesn't respond as she keeps walking. I let my projection fizzle away as I retreat to the gemstone in her necklace. Way to go, me. Piss her off a little more, and she'll send me back to the underworld. Me and my big mouth. I really don't want to go back. Even if Dawn is just another pawn in my plan to stay on earth, she can still screw me over if I don't play my cards right. The Dark Lord will probably send someone to get me eventually, but I want to prove to him that I'm useful.

I gently use my magic to make a small flower bloom up ahead in Dawn's path. I quickly project myself next to the flower. I pick it from the ground, using my magic of corse, and say to Dawn, "I have been a bad demon, and I'm sorry. Let's just go give that army General a really bad night, ok?", in my best apology voice. I even feel kinda bad for using her like this. Buts hey, it's in my blood to be cruel and heartless. Dawn sighs as I still kneel in the middle of her path. "I'm calling you Bodil from now on", she smirks before going around me. "Why? Why do I need a human name?", I ask in confusion. "It means 'remedy for battle'. Your sense of humor is like the the laughing gas they give to people", Dawn answers, "It's also a girl's name".

     "What!? You can't call me by a girl's name! Yes, there are girl demons, but I'm definitely a guy.....", I wine at her. "To bad, Bodil", she giggles at me. I cross my arms and pout like a little kid as I follow her. I'm not a girl. But part of me is quietly smiling at someone giving a gift, even something as silly as a human name. I follow after Dawn like a duckling following its mom. It's still so strange to see the dark green trees in person. I'm not really the type of person to sit around and contemplate my own feelings, but I'm definitely happy to here.

"We're here", Dawn says, breaking the silence. I look up to see that we're at the edge of a forest. A plains biome stretches put before us. A tall fortress wall is in built about 200 blocks from the edge of the trees. I know that she said army General, but I didn't expect this. "Are you sure about this?", I blurt put. Dawn glances at me, before saying, "It's only a few people that I'm after". And then she strolls onto the plain. I sigh before letting my projection dissolve. Here goes nothing.

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