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Nothing happens at first, well nothing physical. A powerful demonic presence quickly builds up in the room, making Jason flinch back as I do exactly the same thing. All demons fear this presence. Seto just seems frozen and confused. Ty can't feel the warning, unfortunately. I step back another few feet just for good measure. Jason clings to my back like a leech, leaning away from the End Ore. I'd probably be doing the same if I wasn't trying to hide him.

Then Adam starts coughing. He curls up on his side and starts coughing violently into his arms, which cover his face. "Adam! Adam, are you ok?", Ty worries over him. He groans while finally stops coughing. I still can feel the burning ache that Adam probably felt with each one. His body needs time to heal. Then comes the part I was dreading.

The general feels the area on his neck where the golden chain used to be, that I now hold. "We-Were's my amulet", he stutters out, slight panic showing in his voice. This is when I decide to speak up. "Na-uh, you almost killed yourself! At least a weak of no End Ore is what the doctor recommends", I chide him. Adam's head snaps up in my direction when he hears my accented voice. His magic aura is immediately shoving against my own, missing Jason behind me. I don't even have time to react before Adam is off the bed and tackling me to the ground. I do shove Jason away, though. I hit the ground with an audible crack, thanks to Adam's super strength.

Blazing yellows eyes are locked onto mine as hands are wrapped around my throat, choking me. But I know that this isn't him. Part of being a brine is the uncontrolled rage that blocks out all judgment. I'm lucky that I haven't inherited that trait, 527 definitely has it. He reals back away from me after I slip his amulet back on. Adam's aura immediately disappears, him coughing from the End Ore's own magic resistance. Now he just stares at me, not in rage, but in fear. I represent all of the past he has been trying to escape. I'm the part of himself that he hates most.

Jason is pressed up against the wall in fear. I can tell part of him is trying to get down on hands and knees apologize to the kin of our Dark Lord. But Jason is smarter and stronger then that. Ty jumped back when Adam's eyes turned solid yellow, now he's just watching in silence. Seto hasn't moved an inch from where he was when I first took the necklace off Adam. I should probably mention that he's muttering. Adam, or should I say Skybrine, is muttering to himself on the floor. Something about 'more time', 'not yet', 'monster'. I actually pick out my number amongst his babbling. I've never seen anyone with so much magic break down like this. It has Jason and I frozen in shock. It's just how we were made to act.

     Ty is the one who moves first. He's down by Adam's shoulder and shakes him while talking, much like Jason did to me when I first woke up. I quickly scramble to my feet and resume my place standing in front of Jason as the other two talk. Seto then comes unfrozen and also keels down in front of Adam. The mortals aren't terrified like I thought that they would be. After the initial shock, it seems like they just want to help him. This..... confuses me. I wonder what Jason thinks.

     "How ya hold'en up", I whisper to him. Talking keeps a person from going into shock, not that I've ever heard about a demon fainting from stress. "I don't know", he mumbles, "Adam's my friend.....". "Your friend? So I'm guessing that your a rouge demon? Not that I'm one to judge. I just kept Herobrine's enemy from dying", I ask Jason. We're still watching the exchange between the other three. Adam is clutching the chain of his amulet and trying to pretend that he's not looking at me. "You know how demons are summoned, right", Jason asks me, "Well, I was an experiment. The Dark L-..... he wanted to se if he could summon two demons at once. My 'twin' died, and I'm deformed. No red eyes or useful magic".

     "Are you kidding? I'd love to not have these glowing pools of death on my face", I point at my sunglasses. Jason is still watching Adam when he says, "I don't want to be used. Seto knows about me. He summoned me by accident, then gave me my freedom". Ha ha, I was right. The Sorcerer did know. I'm guessing that it's just him, though. But Adam is the son of the Dark Lord. I'm sure he understands that people aren't who they look. I'm still facing Jason when his eyes move to look over my shoulder. I slump my shoulders with a sigh, and slowly turn around. Adam's now standing in front of me. Ty doesn't seem to know what to do, and Seto is nervously biting his finger nails. That's a bad and very gross habit, I might say. Now, back to my present circumstances.

     I can't help but hunch down even more with Adam staring down at me. Even without his aura, everything demon about me just wants to hide. Or better yet, grovel for forgiveness. I stopped doing that a long time ago. "Hey, long time no see, Skybrine", I say, trying to force a joking lightness to my voice. He visibly flinches when I use his real name.

     "What are you doing here, 666?".

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