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Two chapters because I didn't post one yesterday

Dawn must be crazy as she walks right up to the fort. It was only seconds after she stepped from the forest when arrows were aimed at her. Only a few of the archers were good enough to fire out this far, but I ues my magic and blow them to either side of Dawn. Looks like I have my work cut out for me. Even I have my limits. The archers have the most hilarious look on their faces when the see the arrows missing every single time. I make one of the stings snap just for the hell of it.

     I see them send a messenger to do something, so I trip him. He yelps before quickly scrambling to his feet. He drops from the top of the wall and I can no longer see him. This is when I notice that Dawn stopped walking. I quickly project myself so that only she can see me. "Are we waiting for someone?", I ask her. She's startled by my sudden appearance, but quickly recovered. "Yes. I'm waiting for some of the captains to come out here and then I'll let you deal with just them", she explains. I nod my head and disappear from her sight.

It isn't long before a small group of people come out of the gates. Dawn frowns. Are these not the ones she wants? I carefully watch them as they get closer. One person wears a checkered hoodie with a bow slung over their shoulder. They also hold a diamond sword. Another person is dressed in a red hoodie and  black dress pants. Their hair is died the same red color, and he has an iron sword and dagger. A girl stands next to him, black hair and a loaded crossbow. I'll have to watch put for that one. A shortish guy wearing headphones and a white shirt leads the group, a long spear held looks on his grip. But I have to do a double take when I see the figure cloaked in purple. It's different from the type in the underworld, but powerful magic radiates off of him.

     His head immediately turns to look at Dawn's necklace when they get closer. He knows that I'm here. The Sorcerer stops the leader of the group and whispers something in his ear. Then he looks at the necklace. Well, the jig is up. Just for laughs, I project myself beside Dawn. I blow a mocking kiss at the Sorcerer and disappear again. Red-head and the girl flinch at my appearance. The Archer just raises an eyebrow and looks back at headphones.

"Dawn.... what are you doing back here?", headphones sighs, annoyed. "Oh c'mon Ty. You know why I'm here", Dawn replies. "Adam's busy", Ty says, biting his lip, "Haven't you already caused enough damage?". This is when I decide to actually join the conversation. "Lier lier pants on fire", I giggle, spearing next to Ty and throwing my arm around his neck. I keep my wings, tail, and horns hidden. Tinted sunglasses let only a sliver of red light show from my eyes. I'm still met with two swords splitting my projection and making it fizzle away. "And where did you learn how to summons such a powerful......demon?", the Sorcerer mutters, eyes still on Dawn's necklace.

"Oh Seto, Adam left some things lying around after our last meting", Dawn smirks. "But Adam has nothing to do with demons...", he trails off. "It doesn't matter if she's got a demon pawn or not. You're not welcome here", the red haired boy snaps. "You know, I kinda like you", my disembodied voice says from right behind him. He spins around, half scared to death, as I laugh with my thick accent. "You've  certainly picked a strange one", the Archer huffs. "I'm sick of talking! Either fight Bodil or get out of my way", Dawn growls at them. "Bodil? You gave it a name?", Seto says to himself. He seems distracted. I can feel his magic poking and prodding at my own. A bug just so happens to be persuaded to fly into his eyes and make him loose his focus on me. Ha ha, take that ya purple woopy-cushion.

And then my vision goes dark. Not completely black, but a lot darker then where I just was. It takes me a good ten seconds to figure out what happened. My magic is gone.... again. I stand in a small triangular prism with slightly transparent, dark red walls around me. I'm in the necklace. Well, ain't this just fabulous?  I literally can't do anything. The necklace suddenly lurches, as if Dawn had suddenly moved to the side. I get thrown against to the side of the gem like a spit ball in math class.

     I can't make out any words from the faint, yelling voices that I can hear. I yelp when I see Dawn's face on the other side of the crystal wall. She's yelling something and shaking me around. Can demons barf? I think I'm pretty close to it happening. And then Dawn throws the necklace. Well I guess that she really didn't tell me how long I had to serve her. Is this the end? Will the crystal break and kill me along with it? At least I finally got out of the underworld....... I guess? I don't really want to die.....

I watch the ground rush towards my feet before the crystal suddenly stops falling. I'm thrown off my feet once again. Then brow eyes ringed with purple are staring at me. Welp.... I don't know witch I prefer. Death, or the embarrassment of capture? Ugh, this will not look good on my reputation.

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