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     What do you say to someone who's ruined your life, given you free will, is the reason for your release from hell, and who wants to kill you? The answer? "Umm....... your psycho ex-girlfriend took your blood and summoned me to kill all of you? But now I'm not going to do that anymore. Uh, Seto gave me a physical form on earth in exchange for figuring out what was wrong with you. Because, ya know, you were in a coma. Turns out you were slowly killing yourself with the End ore, which is not a very good idea, I might add", I'm going to babble on for another few minutes when Adam stops me.

"Ok, you can stop now", he rasps, his voice back to its rough sound. "You told me that you had a cold", Seto chides him. A ghost of a smile is on Adam's lips. "You're not afraid of me?", he asks Seto. "You're not afraid of me?", he shoots right back, holding up a hand where a ball of purple flame appears. "You should really take that amulet back off", I comment. Adam cringes again. Then he looks me in the eye. "Where do you loyalties lie? Are you going to go back to the Neather and tell my fa-........ Herobrine that I'm here? Waiting to fight him with an army at my back?", Adam asks me.

"Of course I.......... won't?", I say, but it's more like a question. Where do my loyalties lie? The Dark Lord abandoned me without another glance my way. Jason is the first demon I've met who seems to give a shit about what happens to me. Skybrine is still untrusting of my character. "I'm loyal to myself", I decide. It's a shocking thing to realize, that I actually can choose. These last 7 hours have been more precious to me then the 200 years since my creation. I've never been in control like I am now. I can literally do anything I want. I don't feel the need anymore to do everything Herobrine commands me to. He unintentionally severed his control over me by never using it. Not even Jason has been severed the way that I have been.

     "So you really are the son of Herobrine?", Ty asks, still shocked. "I'm not like him. I-I've never killed anyone, o-or created demons-", Adam stutters, but I cut him off. "Actually, do you remember the battle you and Herobrine had during my summoning?", I ask him, "Your blood messed up the runes, and it's made me...... strange? When I'm with other demons, I don't act like I'm suppose to. You partially summoned me". I don't say Jason by name, but my sudden protectiveness over him is totally out of character for a demon. It's not the first time, either. I'd take other demon's punishments even in the Neather. They didn't understand my reasoning at all.

"Why would that matter? If Adam is Herobrine's son, then your blood should have created demons exactly the same. I didn't even know he had a son", Seto says with a confused expression. Adam and I both shrug our shoulders. "But you really need to take off the amulet", I say again. "But..... what if I hurt someone?", he mumbles. "Seeing me just was a big shock on you last time", I assure him, "You're just not use to handling your powers". He looks at Seto. "You can knock me out, right?", Adam asks him. Seto nods. "We'll be right here with you", Jason nervously smiles. He knows that it's only a matter of time before Skybrine detects his aura. We really should have explained sooner.

     But now it's too late when Adam slowly takes off his amulet. His eyes immediately flare into golden light, so different from the brown eyes he just had. The weakness in his stance disappears as his healing factor starts to expel the damage from the End ore. It'll take a while before he recovers 100%, though. Adam shivers, but otherwise stays still. "You good, dude?", I ask him. "Yeah.... I'm fine", Skybrine mumbles, "Do you think the army would hate me for who I am? I built up this place to stop my father from getting to the Ather. I can't scare them away if he's still coming".

"No way! We're here because we trust you, Adam", Ty argues. "They'll probably feel better knowing they stand a chance against him with you here. I was wondering if squids were the only enemies that you planned to fight", Seto adds. "Squids are really messed up, though", Jason agrees. "Squids? Dangerous? Are we speaking the same language?", I laugh a bit.

"Squids are almost as bad as demons, no offense, but they're about as evil as Herobrine. Dumb as rocks, though", Adam rants. "I've seen Squids through my mirrors, and they look harmless enough.....", I say on confusion. This has Skybrine going on another rant. My focus kinda drifts off as he continues to bark at me. I'm kinda concerned for his own sanity. Did the End Ore mess with his head. My hand automatically moves to finger the three piercings in my ear. Hmm.....

     A small sort of...... nagging feeling starts in the back of my head, but I ignore it. "How do you think I should tell the army about this? Should I wait till I have to fight, or would that break their trust? I hate having to make all these decisions", Adam worries. "Probably should let them know before the final battle. Do you even know when he's going to attack?", Ty asks. I try my best to listen, but my attention keeps getting pulled away. "What if Adam and Boldil try to fight together?", Jason suggest. He turns to me to hear my thoughts on the subject, but I don't hear him. A dull ringing sound fills my ears.

     Now I know what's going on. I recall mumbling a cuss word before my knees gave out and I fall to the ground. I was gone before I even felt myself hit the floor.

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