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     I lurch up with a shock of pain in my shoulder. The burning and stinging of it helps me shake away the daze on my mind. "Bodil! Can you hear me?", Jason is shouting in my face. Someone grabs my shoulder, and I flinch bask with a grunt. "F-Fine, I'm fine", I stutter. "Is your shoulder broken? What happened!?", Seto gushes, trying to get me to stay still. "I think I might of brought you back? Were you in the Neather? It was my father, wasn't it", Skybrine growls. Ty says something, but I'm a little too overwhelmed to really hear him. I'm not really used to being around so many people....... or being touched.

"Too close", I choke out, trying to get up. "No, stay still. Just let me heal your shoulder", Seto chides me. "You passed out on the floor, and we don't really know what happened", Ty says. It's weird to realize that they care. No one has every really cared about me before. "Oh, you know me. Getting pulled into other dimensions, sticking my nose into places where I don't belong, pissing off the God of the underworld, the usual stuff", I laugh. "Well, your shoulder is shattered into about three pieces", Seto mumbles, his eyes glowing purple as he takes my arm. I unintentionally growl in pain and annoyance.

     "Umm, Bodil? I want to make a deal with you", Skybrine starts, "You have to stay on earth, away from the Neather. Do you want a year of my life or something? 'Cause I'm immortal". "Nah, I'll just take some ice cream, honestly. I've heard that it tastes good", I smile, taking his hand in mine. Nothing really physical happens, but a small weight is lifted off my shoulders at the deal. I'm not at the Dark Lord's beck and call anymore. Although it seems Skybrine can do the same thing.

     "How do we know that it worked?", Jason asked me. I just shrug my shoulders, receiving another shock of pain and a scolding from Seto. "If I wasn't on the rebel side before, I definitely am now", I chuckle. "What exactly did you do?", Ty asks. I unintentionally glance at Skybrine before looking back at Ty. "It wasn't really that important, just my magnificent personality I guess", I lie. Jason rolls his eyes at that. "Ok, just make sure not to do much with your shoulder. You'll probably be sore for a few hours", Seto says, finally letting go of my shoulder and letting me get up. I'm glad that I'm not looking up at them anymore. Stupid demon pride.

"So did the demon help-", a voice starts from the doorway, followed by the sound of breaking glass. Five pairs of eyes quickly shoot towards the owner of the voice. Quinten is frozen mid-stride, with a shattered glass bottle at his feet. 'Crap' is the first word that comes to mind. With Skybrine's amulet discarded somewhere on the floor, his eyes still shine a golden yellow. Quinten stays still for another minute before moving. He puts his arms up, turns around on his heal, and simply walk away. Looks like he just 'noped' out. I can't help but start laughing.

By the time I calm down enough to see clearly, Ty is dragging a reluctant Quinten back into the room. I'm surprised that the fish isn't running for the hills. "Welcome to the party!", I giggle at the Hybrid. "Explanation. Now.", Quinten deadpans, an eyebrow raised at Adam's eyes. "Ummm...... so you know that legend of Herobrine? Creator of demons?", Skybrine mumbles, "Well...... I'm kinda his son?". Way to be subtle, Lord of awkward. Maybe I should get him some sunglasses, too. Maybe then is aura wouldn't be an irritating mass of anxiety all the time. It's almost like having a puppy hovering over your shoulder, crying for attention. No wonder Jason sticks around with this bunch.

While I've been thinking, Quinten has been deep in thought. "Welp", he finally says, "Not much I can do about that. Medical school doesn't really cover how to magically change who your parents are". I smile at this. "I like this fish", I laugh. He might even be sarcastic enough to match me. But then he slaps me. I stand in shock that a mortal just slapped a demon with a rank as high as mine. "Call me a fish again, and I'll make sure those red eyes of yours never see daylight again", he snarls, then he leaves the room. I don't know weather to like him even more, or kill him. "Down boy", Jason jokes, patting my head. I snarl at him, but not in a very threatening way. Just this once...... this will be the only time a lesser demon makes a joke at my expense. At least that's what I tell myself.

     "So.... what now?", I ask, looking at the Sorcerer. "You obviously can't go back to the Neather, so do you just want to stay here?", Seto asks me. "Not like I have anywhere else to go", I say. Taking off my sunglasses, I plop the on Skybrine's face without a word. "Wow, how tinted are those things?", Ty asks is bewilderment when the sunglasses completely hide the glow. "What do you expect? They're suppose to swallow light", I shrug. "It'll be great to have you around, Bodil", Jason smiles. His aura still hasn't been noticed by Skybrine, but I'm sure that he's not looking for it. I poke Jason in the shoulder, motioning to Adam. He gives me an 'Are you crazy' look. I motion again and he bites his lip before turning to Skybrine. But before he can say anything, a solider comes barreling into the room. He doesn't even pause to look at my red eyes.

"General Adam! There's an army marching towards us, but they're not squids!"

Chapter now :)

None tomorrow :(

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