The Game Of Death

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Tyler Wilson fell to his knees in shock , the news he had just heard made him die inside .This year he would participate in the 25th annual games of death .The games of death , 2 people from 10 chosen country's participate in a game , the game is set in a different world where evil creatures lurk and kill . He must battle to death . Must kill the person from his country and must be the last one surviving or else he would die and his name would never be mentioned again .

He stood and swiped his arm at the cabinet beside him knocking of valuable ornaments and before he could make another move the doorbell rang .His mother ran to the door and opened it . Two women in a white uniform barged in and gave Tyler a letter .

Training sessions begin this Saturday at cert training centre , you will train with the person from your country but will be training the way you want to battle . The training centre is in France your transport will be by plane , every Saturday for 3 weeks you will train for 5 hours so after all you will of trained 15 hours in total . 2 days after your training is complete the ceremony will begin wishing you all luck an then a day after that the games begin . good luck .The creators of the death game

days passed an people brought gifts , flowers, cake , money but one day an odd present was offered . a old woman gave Tyler a golden necklace , on the bottom of the chain was a symbol but Tyler didn't know what it was , he slid the necklace on . The woman smiled before travelling home . Today was the day before training so tomorrow he would have to give in a application . he started to write .

Name : Tyler Wilson

age : 16

hair and eye color : brown eyes and brown hair

Height : 6'4

wanting to train : shooting

train with partner or solo : solo

you can chose 1 from 3 mentors , chose carefully ;

Carly death , specializes in survival skills

star clop ; specializes in shooting

unknown mystery mentor , specializes in unknown .

your choice : unknown mystery mentor

He finished writing and placed the application beside his bed . Suddenly his sister Isobel ran in crying .She hugged him tightly . Warm tears dripping from her face .

" brother please oh please try and win for me " she cried .

" i will i promise " he looked down at her innocent face and threw his arms around her .He didn't want to let go of her right now , what he needed was his family , only his family but soon he wouldn't even have them , he would be in a completely different world , with not a single person he knew . Strangers would be trying their best to kill him . He shook the thought out of his mind . Suddenly he got a text on his phone .

Ive just seen a picture of you , i thought maybe since were from the same team we could help each other but by the weak look of you i dint think ill be needing your help at all , cant wait to kill you in the arena its sure going to be fun seeing you die , Amy Teecox xxxxx

Tyler threw the phone at the wall and gestured for Isobel to leave . Once she had left he thought about tactics , how to make things seem easier , where were they going to battle , would he win ? and then it struck him with the mightiest power, he couldn't break a promise , especially to his little sister but that meant he would have to win the games which would be near impossible for him . Instead of worrying , he jumped in bed , pulled up the covers and prepared himself for a good night sleep awaiting the first training session tomorrow.

will Tyler win or die trying ?

The Game Of Death

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