Chapter 18 - Regret

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The thunder clashed down onto the gravel-pavement . Isobel sat alone near the forest trees waiting for Her friend to re-appear . But after waiting half'n'hour she had had enough . she had grown impatient and was frustrated by being stood up . She kicked some stones in to the lake . Little did she know she was totally going regret it . The stone pushed back up along with something much more big . A weird dragon-looking thing . It breathed fire making Isobel fall to the floor . The trees around her were burnt and she knew she was going to be next . The dragon roared and thrashed its wings at the ground . Suddenly Tyler grabbed her and ran .

"ill explain alright , we escaped from the arena , the first ones ever in 25 years and since it was "supposedly " their best games we ruined them by halfway running away . now they want revenge so they've sent the other competitors and the dark creatures into this country to kill us which is pretty stupid because they have no control and they are defiantly gonna kill more than just us "he shouted as the dragon zoomed forward . Tyler dropped Isobel .

"just run " he shouted . Isobel nodded and ran leaving Tyler to defend himself against the horrid dragon . Fierce sharp  fangs . bloodthirsty eyes . It thrashed forward sending fire towards hopeless Tyler . He rolled onto the floor and climbed to is feet . The only way to defeat this dragon was to cut of his head . so Tyler pulled the sword out of his bag and started to climb the trees . The dragon was looking around trying to find his destination but it was clueless . Tyler dropped and the head fell to the floor . The dragon was dead but before Tyler could take the sword out of the dragons neck , Isobel's scream sounded . Tyler turned his head quickly and began to run . He jumped over fallen logs and ducked beneath fallen trees . He appeared at where the sound was to see somebody dead , somebody familiar . Isobel knelt beside the person . Tyler ran forward looking for the person . Then he recognized it . The dead person . Amy lay with a slit throat on the floor . A knife through her heart and her blood pumping out like a waterfall . Beside her on the other side of Isobel lay a message written in her blood .

You will regret it

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