Chapter 4 - The death of one .

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The anthem of the games played noisily . The creators watched as the participates ran to the weapon shed .

" grab the guns " Amy shouted towards Tyler . Tyler ran and was the second fastest there , he grabbed as many weapons as he could before retreating towards the forest where Amy stood , once he stood beside her they both ran into the depths where hopefully nobody would find them .

" we will just work with each other and see where we end up Ay ? " Amy shouted so he could still hear over the branches they were snapping .

" yeah I agree " he answered , they continued to run into the wilderness .

The competitors battled gruesomely , knives being thrown like toys , trees being climbed like climbing walls . Everything seemed so cruel in this world , fighting , to death . Suddenly everybody froze as a body dropped to the ground . A gaping hole straight in the little girls heart , she was already dead . Sandy Myers from Japan , dead within 5 minutes . If people were going to drop dead this easily as quickly then the games were going to be over awfully quick . Sandy was a 14 year old girl , raven black hair and nice clothes that suited her personality . She was loved very much in her country but now depressingly she was dead. Jackson was the one to of killed her , he left the weapons as scurried at away .

Hours passed ,

Nobody had died for a couple of hours now , soon the creators would have to start twists like sending creatures to kill or something else that is evil and twisted . Amy and Tyler say near the lake watching the winding water flow . Owls flew past and the moon rose into the starlit sky . All was quiet .

" maybe I was wrong about you , maybe we will be a good team " Amy said whilst kicking her legs out . Suddenly chants started and a group of around 7 people armed with weapons appeared . Amy and Tyler froze as they pointed the gun at her forehead , before the could shoot , rubble blasted up from the ground , the creators had caused an explosion sending the attackers flyin backward letting Tyler and Amy have enough time to escape , Tyler graves her hand , left the weapons and jumped into the river below .

When they both arrived at the waters surface Amy began to talk .

" I know you didn't save me ,but you helped us escape , even though I am freezing now , do I got you a little gift " Amy whispered , she leaned in and kissed him and time seemed to freeze .

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