Chapter 20 - Destruction

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Tyler and the group set out to find the creators and unfortunately the riot caught up with the village . The grass was burnt and so was the hay . Cottages collapsed onto the muddy terrain . Ivy trailed across the floor and so did animal blood . Dead sheep lay lifeless near the trees and everything was even more silent . News of Samantha , Isobel's friend , had died in a horrid fire attack . Her family mourned and also joined the rebellion . Hopefully soon , when the creators are dead and the games are extinct everything will become more calm , but until then everybody was going to suffer the terrible wrath ...

Louis walked with the others who wouldn't even glance in his direction . They walked slowly through a small forest . Creatures were everywhere . Darting butterflies and  Galloping Deers . The moon rose over the fog and clouds . The waves splashed against the moss covered rocks . Suddenly an arrow was fired and struck into the tree beside Amelia . The group ran quickly as the people who blamed them for the riot pounced after them . Many more arrows were shot , luckily none of them hit something that moved . Arrow flung which didn't matter but one did as a arrow lit on fire flung into the ground . The ground in front of them blazed . Before it got to bad they ran through it . The fire burned but wasn't critical . Soon they managed to escape and rest for the night . They stopped by a massive tree who's branches and leaves hung down . Isobel lay beside Tyler . She sat up , alerted and saw Louis being punched by Tyler who was no longer next to her . He shouted vicious words and kicked him hard . Louis flew back into a tree and hit his head . He slugged onto the floor and looked up at Tyler with a Horrid face . Suddenly Amelia grabbed him and pushed them away . Everybody ended up awake again .

" why did i bother rescuing you "

" you killed my dad "

" no i killed my dad , your dad sold you " he shouted angrily .

" i hate you , i was the one who already knew , i didn't tell anybody earlier cause Isobel really liked you , now just leave " And before anybody could stop and sort out the argument Louis disappeared . Leaving one less thing to worry about .But still it became worse .

" where is Amy " Venom asked . Everybody stared at Tyler who looked down at the floor .

" well " venom continued awaiting an answer . Tyler picked up his bag of weapons .

" come on were leaving and Amy .. she is dead and forgotten , alright ? " he shouted . Everybody gasped and just stood still .

" come on were leaving " he shouted

" when were you going to tell us " Amelia shouted . " she was my friend " She ran towards him . Soon after everybody , nearly everybody changed their minds . Amelia , venom , and some others decided not to go against the creators . leaving only , Tyler and Isobel to fight the biggest battle there has been in years . Amelia and the others headed back to their hometown . only to see there was no town everything was burnt down . They needed to end this , just not with Tyler .

" i thought i could trust him " spat Venom

" no he is just a traitor , we should of just left him i his cell at the castle "

" wait , we escaped with him , we have just the same amount of blame as him , we need to find him and help him before it is to late , before he dies "

" he has Isobel "

" yeah a little girl , they wont last against the hundreds of creators in that arena , and he contestants that will still be after them , we need to stop them , the games .The games of death " Clark shouted. Some people nodded and some disagreed but they all knew they had to help him . Every put on their black clothes once again . Some of the group walked of straight away but Clark , Amelia , Venom and a newcomer Holly stood still . They picked up the bags and dropped them again as they saw what stood in-front of them . Louis stood in-front of them with a gun pointed at Clark's head . He made them sit at inside the only cottage that remained and he pointed the gun at the ones he wasn't tying to a pole . in the end all 3 were tied up and felt equally as terrified as the other . The only reason Louis was taking this was because he hadn't been taking  him medication . After his Fathers death , he disappeared , into a mental hospital . He was let free but told to take medication . The medication was to make him stay focused and not lose control . But he had lost the bottle of it and hadnt taken it for a whole month . Now everything was clear , he was as mental as he was when he killed his farther , if not even more crazy and mental . He pulled the trigger ...

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