Chapter 4 - Scared

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=Sabre's POV=

It was midnight.

I woke up to a small noise. I opened my eyes and saw Rainbow Steve's body shaking and shivering. I sat up and realised that he was crying. Slowly, I picked him up and cradled his small body in my arms, trying to wake him up.

I saw tears stream from his face as he moved his hands to his heart. I rubbed his cheek. "Rainbow Steve. Wake up. Rainbow Steve." I said. I kept reapeating his name as he cried. I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, his eyes flew open. "SABRE!"

I fell back on the bed, Rainbow Steve falling onto my lap. "Rainbow Steve!" I said, "are you okay? You were having a nightmare."

He sat up and looked at me, still shivering. "I-I h-had..." his voice trailed off. "S-Sabre!" He leaned into my arms and cried. I patted his head, his soft, messy hair bouncing with each pat. I hugged him close to me. "It's okay, Rainbow Steve. It was just a nightmare."

We stayed like that for awhile, Rainbow Steve crying into my chest while I held him in my arms, rubbing his back. Finally, I asked, "What was your nightmare about..?" He looked up into my eyes. Something about him didn't seem right...

"Sh-Sh-Shadow Sabre a-and Nightm-mare St-Steve and- Dark Steve w-were th-there," He cried, tears streaming down his face. I wiped them away. "What happened?"

"N-N-Nightmare St-Steve K-Killed me and f-forced you t-to watch-ch." He said. He buried his face into my chest, my outfit already wet with tears. I ran my hand through his fluffy rainbow hair. Something still didn't seem right.

I picked him up and carried him downstairs to the couches. I sat him down near the most pillows, then I got him a blanket and a box of tissues. "Th-thank you, Sabre." Rainbow Steve said, blowing his nose.

After awhile, I saw Light Steve come in the room. "H-hi Sabre," he stuttered . He'd been out gathering recources with Lucas to expand the town, maybe make a guest house, so he didn't know what happened. He spotted Rainbow Steve On the couch, covered up with a blanket and blowing his nose.

"Wh-What happened? What's wrong with R-Rain?" He asked. I explained the battle and how Rainbow Steve almost lost his life. I also explained his nightmare. Only I didn't explain his current seeing problem.

"Oh no..." Light Steve said. "That's t-terrible..."

"I know," I said, "but he's better now. He's healing." I ran my fingers though Rainbow Steve's hair, playing with it. He smiled a sad smile at me, and I started crying.

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