Chapter 9 - Gone Again!?

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=Sabre's POV=

I went outside and saw Light Steve helping Rainbow Steve up. As I walked over, I noticed that more and more of Rainbow Steve's color was draining. It was happening right in front of my eyes!

I ran over to Rainbow Steve and grabbed his shoulders. "Rainbow Steve, it's spreading," I said, "it's getting worse." He started crying and I held him. Light Steve also leaned in to hug us.

Then I got an idea. What if it only speads when he's sad? I started to tickle Rainbow Steve, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Sabre!" He exclaimed between laughs, "Stop!" I looked down at the wound. The grey coloring had stopped spreading. In fact, it had even shrunk a little!

I finally stopped tickling him, Light Steve standing by us awkwardly. "Rainbow Steve, we need to keep you happy." I said, chuckling. He looked at me, his cheeks still rosy. "Wh- what..?" He asked, out of breath. I patted his head. "The infection only spreads when you're sad," I told him, "so you gotta be happy!"

Rainbow Steve giggled slightly, then closed his eyes, clinging onto me. Before I knew it, he was asleep. I smiled and picked up my friend, not before looking at Light Steve, and brought Rainbow Steve to his room.


=Rainbow Steve's POV=

My eyes snapped open and I laughed. But it wasn't my normal happy laughter. It was pure evil. I stood up and went to my window, opening it, then jumped out to the grass below and ran in a direction I knew all too well. Towards the Nightmare Palace. I watched in fear as my body moved without my control, towards the evil king.

Before I knew it, I was at the palace. Dark Steve walked into the throne room and kneeled before Nightmare Steve. I struggled to get up, but I couldn't control myself. "Ah, I see," Nightmare Steve said, "stand, Rainbow Steve."

Just then, I fell to the floor. I tried to move, and I succeded. I looked up at the villan smiling down at me. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to another room. "N- no! Let me go, stupid!" I shouted. He didn't listen.

Nightmare Steve then tossed me into a cell and locked the door behind me. I got up and shook the bars. "Nightmare Steve!" I screamed as he walked away. "Let me outta here!"

Nightmare Steve continued to ignore me. I sighed and put my back up against a wall. I didn't like this. It was a confined space, and I didn't like being cooped up, much less locked in this claustrophobic cell.

'So why don't you break out?' A voice said. I knew that voice. "D- Dark Steve! What did you do to me!" I shouted in anger and fear. Some nerve this guy had to show up like that.

Dark Steve laughed. "I can hear your thoughts, Rainbow Steve."

"Where are you!?"

"In your head."


"I was controlling you, idiot. Now, do you want to get out of here or not?" Dark Steve said impatienly. I nodded. "Well, stupid, you're gonna have to unlock your secret power, then!" He exclaimed. Secret power? "What secret power?"

"Y'know, dark magic?"

"Excuse me, smarty pants, but I am a rainbow. Rainbows are only made of light and water, FYI. I don't belive there is any darkness in them."

"Meh. Don't escpe then."

"DARK STEVE!" I shouted in complete anger and annoyance. A sudden black haze surrounded me. "H- huh?! What is this?" I asked. Dark Steve chuckled, and I couldn't move my body. I stood up, not in control anymore. "Dark magic!" Dark Steve replied. I thought to him, 'why..?' and all of a sudden, I was in front of Nightmare Steve again.

Nightmare Steve smirked. "Dark Steve?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes, my King." He laughed. "I thought you were dead, you trickster."

"Meh. Easy to take over weak bodies."

"Well, then. Go wreak havoc or something. Make our enimies' lives miserable."

I nodded, chuckling, and strode out the palace. Dark Steve had complete control over me, and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt miserable.

=Light Steve's POV=

"RAINBOW STEVE!?" I shouted into the night air. My brother had disappeared again, and to be honest, I was getting tired of it. I started to mindlessly walk in a direction, just looking for at least a small flash of color in the dark.

But just then, something landed in front of me. I stared at the grey-haired entity as he slowly stood. He lifted his head and stared into my eyes. I gasped and he covered my mouth smirking. "Hello, old friend," Rainbow Steve said, "did you miss me?"

I pulled away. "D- D- Dark St- Steve..." I sputtered. "Y- YOU DIED!" He laughed and grabbed my wrists, then teleported me away.

Away to the Nightmare Palace.

Oh no...

My Favorite Colors - The Rainbow Chronicles - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now