Chapter 12 - Seeing Colors

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(Eyyy, bet you weren't expecting an update today! I wasn't either! Mwahahahahah!)

-a few days later-

=Rainbow Steve's POV=

It had been three days since Dark Steve had shown any sign of even sharing a body with me. He had gone compleatly silent. I was wondering if he was planning something.

I walked up to Sabre. "Hey, man!" I said happily. Sabre turned. "Rainbow, shouldn't you be resting?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Not tired."

"Oh, well, wanna hang out then?"

"Why else would I come over here?"

Sabre nodded. "Fair, fair."

We walked past the tower and onto the bridge, stopping in the middle to look at the water. Sabre stood on the edge and I giggled.

He turned. "What's so funn-" He wasn't able to finish his sentence as I pushed him in, but my plan also backfired on me as Sabre grabbed my wrists and pulled me in with him.

I yelped and giggled as we fell and hit the water. Sabre pulled me up and we broke the surface together. "That wasn't very nice, man!" He scolded, swimming to a small island holding one of the bridge's pillars up.

I followed after him. "It wasn't very nice of you to pull me in either!" I exclaimed.

"You wouldnt've been pulled in if you didn't push me in the first place!" Sabre responded, climbing up and resting his back against the carved adesite. I swam up to the small section of land, but stayed in the water.

"Hmph... That's fair, I guess..." I pouted. Then I splashed him.

Sabre yelped as the water rained on him. "HEY!" He yelled. I laugged hysterically and swam away as Sabre began to splash back.

"HEY GUYS!" I heard Lucas yell from the dock. "What'cha doing out there?!" I turned. "Splash fighting!" I shouted back. "Wanna join?!"

"Don't mind if I do!" Lucas responded, "I'll be there in a second!" Little did I know, that during our short conversation, that Sabre had snuck up behind me and was about to dunk me.

I felt his hands go on my shoulders, and I was suddenly submerged in water. Time slowed down for me as I open my eyes. The gray colors I've seen since Dark had possessed me suddenly drowned away as I sold in deep-blues below me and the blue sky above me. I turned and saw Saber, his brown hair soaking wet and his smile sparkling like the sun.

Then I remembered I needed to breathe. I closed my eyes again and broke the clear surface of the water, gasping for air. I shook my head, sending water everywhere, then opened my eyes.

Everything was in greyscale again. I blinked a few times. Maybe it was just my imagination... I thought sadly. I dimissed what I saw and turned to Sabre, this time dunking him.

Sabre immediately came back up, glancing behind me. There was a loud splash as Lucas hit the water from the dock. Sabre and I swam over as Lucas came back up in his bathing suit.

"Looks like you two are gonna need a change of clothes." Lucas teased. Sabre huffed. "Dangit! This is my last good onesie!"

It was true. All the other chicken onesies that Sabre owned were either ripped or burnt or even just non-existant anymore. The one he was wearing was the last one intact.

Lucas splashed me in the face. "GOSH DARNIT, LUCAS!" I screamed. Sabre tapped me on the shoulder. "Tag!" The two players swam in different directions, yelling exitedly and leaving me to choose who to go after.

We played water games until sundown. Sabre climbed up on the dock and pulled Lucas up then me. "That was awesome!" I said as Sabre wrapped a towel around me. He smiled.

We cleaned up and got into new clothes. Since Sabre's onesie was on the clothesline outside, Lucas and I lent him some extra clothes we had.

Lucas was tending to my wounds when Sabre walked in. "Hey guys." Sabre said. Lucas finished my bandages and stood up. Sabre was wearing a vest, one of my t-shirts, and a pair of jeans.

"Is that my vest?" Lucas asked. Sabre laughed. "Yeah I dyed it." "How did you even-" Lucas started, "you know what? I'm not even gonna question it." He threw his hands up an exaggeration.

I tilted my head, wondering what color he was wearing. I blinked, and the warm glow of the lanterns filled my vision colors in the room coming to life Sabre wore a green vest and a rainbow colored shirt, blue jeans, and no shoes.

The velvet couch turned dark red, the walls the color of wood as the stained glass windows altered the color of the moonlight. I blinked again and the color was gone. "Just your imagination..." I said.

Sabre and Lucas turned to me. "Um.. what?" Lucas asked, obviously confused. I shook my head. "I don't know... I just..." I said, "twice today, in the water, and just now..."

Saber and Lucas glanced at each other, then came and sat on either side of me. "What happened Rainbow?" Sabre asked. I leaned back into the couch pillows.

"In the lake," I started, "earlier when you dunked me. I saw colors! Blue, green, brown, then it was gone! Then just now. Sabre wearing a green vest, the glowstone beautiful and warm, the moonlight in the colored glass... now it's gone..."

Sabre and Lucas looked at each other again. I stared out the window at the lake as Lucas and Sabre began to talk. I didn't pay any attention to a word they said.

I saw gray, black and white. And pale blue. "PALE BLUE!?" I exclaimed, running towards the window. The color blue had forced its way into my vision! Sabre and Lucas stared at me. "I'll be right back," I said, "if I'm not back in an hour, then come after me."

With that I left. I walked to the tower, all the blue fading from my vision. I climbed up the ladder and looked out to the Rainbow Tree of Life. "Come on Rainbow, you can do this!" I muttered. Suddenly, my vision lit up. Reds, greens, and blues, they all sprung up around me!

I whooped. I blinked and it was gone. I sighed. "Stupid Dark Steve!" I muttered. I slipped down the ladder and walked to the Rainbow Tree of Life. I sat down between two roots and exhaled slowly, closing my eyes, and I soon fell asleep.

My Favorite Colors - The Rainbow Chronicles - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now