Chapter 13 - Imposter!

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(Slight trigger warning - blood - skip if you no like death - oh also no one really dies I just wanna warn you)

=Rainbow Steve's POV=

I breathed in the fresh air slowly as I returned to consciousness from a good night's sleep. I noticed I was still outside. I furrowed my eyebrows. Something's wrong...

I glanced up and gasped. The Rainbow Tree of Life was loosing its leaves, and fast. I watched in horror as the leaves fell off, close to leaving the tree bare.

"No..." I whispered. I immediatly got up and ran torwards the Rainbow House. I burst through the door to find Lucas asleep on the couch. "LUCAS!" I yelled.

Lucas probably jumped at least two blocks in the air. He turned to me. "WHAT!? Where were you!? What's wrong?" He asked.


"What do you mean!?"


"That's a problem!"

"Yes, Lucas, it is A VERY BAD PROBLEM!" I hissed. "Now where's Sabre!?" Lucas put his hand on his forehead. "I think he went to go look for you! Go check the Steve Temple, I'll check the Tower!"

I nodded and ran out the door to the Steve Temple, calling for Sabre while Lucas darted in the other direction. I checked all four floors to no avail, and I started to throw a fit until I remembered the prison.

I had no idea what came over me. My mind was racing faster than my legs, going a million blocks per tick (a tick is how time is measured in Minecwaft). I literally fell down the stairs. I didn't know why I was so scared. Terrified, actually. I just had a feeling...

A really bad feeling.

(Okay this is where the triggerness happens so yall've been warned)

I reached the Steve Prison and screamed. "SABRE!!!" He was lying in between the pistons and Rainbow Stone, surrounded by a pool of blood. I stumbled forward, starting to cry my eyes out.

I turned Sabre onto his back and put my hands on his face, closing my eyes in misery. "Sabre..." I squeaked out though sobs. I felt hands on my shoulders.

"Rainbow Steve, you need to absorb me." Sabre said. I opened my eyes, snapping my head up. Sabre was in front of me, his bandana off and black eyes open.

I started shaking, having an odd sense of dejavu sweep over me. "It's the only way." Sabre said. I could barely make out his voice though the ringing in my ears as I began to have a panic attack.

"W-w-will it k-keep you with m-m-m-me?" I asked, my voice breaking and sputtering around my sentence. I stared into his eyes with sadness and hope. Sabre nodded. "Forever..."

Everything was telling me not to do it. As Sabre placed his hands on mine, voices spun around me. I couldn't make them all out, but one voice in particular stood out to me. "R-R-Rainbow-w St-St-St-St-Steve-ve-ve-ve, d-d-don't-t d-d-do-o it-t-t-t!" But I knew that it was just inside my head.

"RAINBOW STEVE STOP!" Lucas screamed. I jerked away from Sabre and looked at Lucas. "Lucas, he's dying!" I screamed back.

"No, Rainbow Steve, that's not Sabre!"


Sabre glared at Lucas. "Stop posing as Lucas, Dark Steve, we both know it's you."

"I'm not Dark Steve!" Lucas responded.

"Yea, right! Rainbow Steve, trust me! Dark Steve is trying to keep us apart because we're stronger together!"

"Rainbow Steve, it's a trap!"

"How do you know, Dark Steve?"

"Because you don't have Sabre's eye color!"

"Then what color are they!?"

Lucas inhaled sharply. Sabre smirked. "You see, he doesn't know because I never showed hi-"

"Bright blue."

Sabre froze. "Liar-"

"Unnaturally blue."

"Rainbow Steve, don't trust him, he's a liar. It's Dark Steve he's a master deciever-"

"Neon-bright blue. Literally glowing blue."

"SHUT UP!!!" Sabre roared.

Lucas stared at me pleadingly. I stood up. "I've made my desicion." I said as I held my hand out to Sabre. He smirked and took my hand. "NO! Rainbow Steve, please!" Lucas said.

I pulled Sabre up, then pulled a stone dagger out of his belt and put it to his neck. "Who are you and where in all the dimensions is Sabre?" I demended. The imposter simply smirked, then vanished in a cloud of black dust.

A look of relief washed over Lucas' face as he came up to me. The pool of blood vanished as well while Lucas and I hugged. "Rainbow?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Yah?" I tilted my head. "Please don't tell Sabre I told you his eye color. I'm the only one who's supposed to know..." He said pleadingly. I nodded and dragged my fingers across my lips. "My lips are sealed."

Lucas smiled. "Thanks..." I nodded. "How'd you know it really wasn't Sabre?" I asked him. Lucas sighed. "Because I found this..." He said, taking out a peice of paper. I took it and opened it.

        If you want your little friend Sabre back, then you will come fight me at my Nightmare Palace. Come by noon-day tomorrow, or else you'll never see him again. You win, you take him home. I win, I do what I want.

I gasped. "Nightmare Steve."

=Sabre's POV=

I slouched in the cage that Nightmare had me in. He had confiscated all my items and tool, even my shoes and vest! He really didn't want me escaping. "Sit up Sabre. Slouching isn't good for your posture." Nightmare Steve teased.

I growled and crossed my arms, bringing my knees up in front of my face. "Now Sabre, say something!" He commanded, kicking the cage on the last word. I yelped and instinctively latched onto the bars to keep myself steady. Nightmare Steve lauged.

"I want to go home..." I said, barely a whisper.

"What was that?"

"I WANT TO GO HOME!!!" I screamed. Nightmare blinked. "Well, you'll only be able to do that if your friends ever decide to save you," he started, "in fact, they've most likely already fallen for Dark Steve's tricks already. Soon enough, he will once again have full control ober Rainbow Steve's body, and then Dark Steve and I will have fill control over this pitiful REALM!"

I flinched as Nightmare Steve let out a bone chilling laugh. Lightning cracked outside as my fear and anger grew, sudden rain pouring down from the skies.

"You..." I said. Nightmare glanced at me. "You disgust me..." Nightmare Steve laughed. "Of course I do."

I stared at the large doors leading into the throne room, waiting and hoping for someone to come save me, and as if the universe read my mind, the doors slowly creaked open, a shadowy figure standing just beond the torchlight.

The figure's shoulders heaved up and down, their sword glinting mysteriously. Lightning flashed from behind, ligting up their face for just a slpit second.

"A fight you wanted..." Rainbow said, "IT'S A FIGHT YOU'LL GET!!!"

My Favorite Colors - The Rainbow Chronicles - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now