Part One - the one in the plane

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You ran around your house, looking for a hairbrush. How was it that anytime you actually needed it, it seemed to disappear into thin air?

"Yes!" You yelled out as you saw the black brush underneath a pile of towels. Proudly you walked back to your suitcase and put the hairbrush between a few shirts. You checked your list again, crossing off the bloody thing you just spend ten minutes looking for. You scanned through the list to see if anything still needed to be packed. Charger. But you're going to put that one in your backpack, together with headphones, book, sunglasses... anything that you may need on the way to New York itself.

Knowing that there was nothing else that you needed to pack into your suitcase, you slammed the lime green luggage closed. The zipper just barely managed to go all the way to the other side. Then, you put the two sliders in the lock, mixing up the three number combination so it wouldn't be deductible anymore.

Proud with your own packing skills, you sat down on your bed. The bright suitcase in front of you. The color was more vibrant than you remembered. At first, it seemed like a good idea, but now that you looked at it... The color couldn't be more attention seeking. Especially at nine in the morning, when nobody at an airport is fully awake yet. Your suitcase would practically be a visual alarm.

"Fuck! Harrison!" Tom yelled out from his room. It was a mess. A complete disaster. Laundry was lying everywhere. Not a piece of floor visible anymore. And in the middle of it all, lay Tom.

"What's up, Tommo?" Harrison stuck his head out from behind the door. Tom could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"I broke it. I broke the bloody suitcase!" he groaned and sat up straight on the ground so his best friend could see him from behind the bed. He was pretty sure there was some underwear stuck to his back, but he didn't care. They had to leave for a flight in less than an hour and his suitcase just exploded on him.

"What do you mean, you broke it?"

"I mean, I broke it! I must have overfilled it because the zipper broke off and when I tried to pick it, everything fell out." Tom looked around. He saw a white dress shirt hanging off of the cactus in the corner of the room. "What the fuck do I do, Haz?"

"I think we have another suitcase somewhere in a closet. I'll go look." Harrison left the room. Tom let out another frustrated groan and let himself fall back on the floor. His back hit the hard surface, but fortunately, his head fell against some trousers. He tried to keep his mind clear. If Harrison actually did have a proper suitcase, maybe they still had a chance on making the flight. He sat up for the second time.

Right then, Harrison came rolling in, with the biggest and brightest suitcase Tom had ever seen. It was twice the size of the luggage Tom had tried to fill before, so this should be no problem. Harrison pushed the luggage towards Tom who caught the handle as it reached him.

"How have I never seen this before?" He looked at his friend and the suitcase. He couldn't believe it had been in their flat all this time.

"I had it in the back of my closet." Harrison shrugged. "Now, go get packing." He threw a shirt in Tom's face. Then, still, with a bright smile, the blonde left the room also leaving Tom to pack on his own. Tom didn't know where to start, the mess slightly overwhelming him. There was also the problem of time. He didn't know where his phone was (problem numero 3) and he didn't have a clock in his room, so telling time was not possible. Tom just assumed that he had around thirty minutes. If more, than great! If less, well, he had to hurry anyway.

Picking up stray pieces of clothing around him, he threw them back on the bed. Just to have some space to move around himself and to get all of his things in one place. Once he had given himself a proper range to walk around in, he pulled up the lime green suitcase and opened it next to his feet. Then, he threw everything on his bed, into the suitcase. He had no idea what all of it was, but he saw clothing and underwear, so that must be good enough for a few days.

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