Part Three - the one on the streets

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You were running down the street, your heels making it ridiculously hard not to fall on the pavement. The people around you gave you a few strange looks but you had to ignore it. There was no time for snarky comments. Just run and get to the meeting already.

You couldn't believe it. The first day of the most important meeting your company had, and you were running late. Your bed, of course, had to be so comfortable. You didn't even hear the alarm that was ringing continuously next to you. Your body had blocked it out completely, far into the sleep it was craving.

You turned a corner and almost fell to the ground, ready to burst out in tears. The street you had to walk through, the shortest way to get to the building you need to be in... In 3 minutes, was completely blocked. People were standing everywhere. There was no way you could get through the crowd. You looked around, to see a spot where the count of bodies was a little scarce. With an exhale of relief you crossed the street, almost getting run over by a motorcycle. After four days you still had not gotten used to the New York style of living. Everything was so upbeat. As if everybody had drunk one coffee too much at breakfast.

Like you had predicted, there were fewer people standing on the other side of the street. Already seeing the entrance to the building you needed to get to, you slowed down. Trying to calm yourself before the meeting and to get a grip over yourself. After running all the way from the subway station, you must look like a mess.

You straightened your jacket, ready to walk inside when there was a shout above the crowd and it all turned very quiet. "AND ACTION!" the voice was most likely amplified with a megaphone connected to speakers all around the street because you heard the echoes. Action, so there was a movie being recorded.

You glanced between the silvery door and the crowd of people. You had maybe two minutes left, probably less, before you had to be there. The group of men and women moved. Giving you a small peak at what was being filmed. But you didn't even need to have a look at the ground, because the real action was happening in the air.

You gasped. This could not be happening. Not right now. No. This was not supposed to happen like that. You had wished for seeing Tom again, but not when you had to leave after five seconds. This was not supposed to happen like that. Cursing yourself and everybody you knew, you watched in amazement how Tom flew around in the sky. Only a small harness around his waist holding him. Holding onto him was the one and only Zendaya. Clutching herself around his neck, her legs wrapped around his.

The sight of the model holding Tom like that, made your stomach twist and your heartburn. Why was this happening right now? Why did it have to happen to you? The jealousy in the pit of your stomach was boiling. It hurt too much, you couldn't look at him anymore.

Turning around and walking on, you thought about the stupid note. The stupid note that stupid you just had to lose. Ever since then you tried to remember the series of numbers that would get you, not only your backpack but hopefully another chance to see Tom. After two days you had given up. Feeling defeated. You had to learn to live with the fact that your one chance was gone. You messed up, big time. Even if somehow you managed to get the number, the chance that Tom would remember you and still want to go out on a date was microscopic. Even smaller than that.

You almost walked into the glass door of the building. Behind you, some gasps as people pushed themselves forward to the center, where all the cameras were. Tom and Zendaya had disappeared from your view. You sighed and pushed the door open. You had to get it together already. It was over and done with. You screwed up now deal with it. Tom wasn't here and there was nothing you could do about it.

But wait. You stopped in the middle of the hall. A woman behind you bumped into you. She walked by, murmuring something rude. You didn't pay attention to that though, your mind still occupied by the thought that made you stop in the first place.

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