Part Six - The One in the Elevator

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Yeah, you used to call me baby, now you calling me-

Tom took his phone out of his pocket and skipped the song before the first lyric even finished. Immediately a Post Malone song started which he didn't remember the name of anymore. He stepped out of the elevator, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand. He had been up for hours with no proper break. He was exhausted and couldn't wait to get into bed. His heart was beating along with the loud music coming from his wireless headphones. Or did the pace at which the cardiac muscle move, have nothing to do with the music?

The hallway was empty. The more he walked on, it felt like it was just elongating instead of nearing the door to his and Harrison's shared suite. His eyelids were really starting to feel heavy. It was probably only the music that kept him up. With a little smack on the cheek, he tried to pull himself together.

The white door was finally in front of him. He pulled out the key from his other pocket and held it against the scanner. The familiar click of the lock was accompanied by the little green light appearing above the scan. Tom pushed the door open, pulling his headphones off and letting them hang around his neck. The music still played on. He could hear the whispers of it.

Next to the door, he saw something he hadn't seen in a while. Harrison's backpack. This meant that he got his things back. Which in correlation should mean that he had talked to (Y/N). Tom started to wonder how his best friend's day had gone. Hopefully better than his. Or at least less exhausting. Then he realized that Harrison's keycard was lying on the little shelf next to the door. That meant that either Haz was home or he was out and forgot his key, the div.

"Harrison?" he asked. His voice was a bit shaky. There was no response. But from the sight of his keycard and the jacket hanging on the hanger, Tom knew his friend was home. He walked on, further into the suite. The little corridor spread into the big living room area and there he was. With her.

Tom's first reaction was to smile. To walk over to her and to say... what would he say? Hi. How are you? Sorry for being such an idiot for the last few days. Or maybe Why did you ignore me? Nothing sounded right to him.

But he didn't smile. Instead, he saw the bigger picture. He saw how close she was sitting to Harrison. He saw the little look they gave each other before Harrison smiled at him. He saw how she didn't, that she just kept adoring his friend's profile. He saw how their fingers were lazily intertwined on the couch. He saw how Harrison bit his lip when he glanced at her quickly and the smile they shared. He saw... everything. He wished he hadn't, but he had seen the last seconds of when their lips had touched. It was the same moment that his heart broke into its final pieces. There was nothing left. Just dust and grains blowing around in his empty chest with every breath he took.

"Y'alright, mate?" Harrison raised an eyebrow. He brushed his free hand through his hair. It was as if they weren't even denying what happened, though at the same time, ignoring the tension that clearly was there. Well if they were doing it, it wouldn't be right for Tom to start acting out. He took a deep breath before answering, ignore the clear sting in his chest.

"Yeah, yeah, just tired." He tried to laugh it off. Laughter was the best medicine after all, right? But could it mend a broken heart? Could it wash off the feeling of betrayal? He would just have to wait and see.

"Well," (Y/N) cleared her throat, "I should get going." She let go of Harrison's fingers, but her hand leaned on his leg as she got up from the couch. The blonde followed her every move with his eyes and so did Tom. He really didn't want to think like that again but pleading to himself did nothing. He watched her and only one word could come to mind. Beautiful. She looked stunning. Without even trying. Just wearing sweats, no makeup, hair a bit messy. The bright smile of hers lit up the room.

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