Part Nine - the One at the Doorstep

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Filming had gone bad. Tom wanted to blame it on anything but-, but how could he? He knew very well what the problem was. (y/n). She kept popping up in his head. When he closed his eyes, even if it was only for a millisecond to blink, he saw her. And when he saw her, he started to freak out.

Was she okay? He hated not knowing. Of course, it wasn't really any of his business. They barely knew each other. He had no right to try and pry himself into her life. If she didn't want to talk to him he understood. He didn't want to become some crazy stalker. Oh, he already saw the tabloid headlines pop up. TMZ would love it if he pulled a stunt like that. So much drama. Finally something interesting about him besides "leaking another Marvel spoiler". Even that was getting old.

So, if she doesn't choose me? Does she pick Harrison? The fucking prick. Of course, he wanted them to be happy. He meant it when he said it to Z but he also meant everything else he told her. Why did Harrison's happiness depend on his own? Why did he have to pay for it?

"Dammit", he slammed his hand on the table, scaring a bypassing intern. He looked up and apologized with a smile. The girl weakly smiled back and practically ran away. The reason of speed, unclear.

It was already the end of the day. The crew was packing up, Even with all the difficulties Tom was having, they managed to score a few good shots and were ready to wrap it all up. The news wasn't exactly well received by the employees of the office they occupied for the day. They had expected it to last at least one more day. Some people already got a day off. That of course caused some commotion in the hallways.

Tom slipped away, somehow not getting caught by the people waiting outside, straight to the car park and into the car. Harrison followed him, not much far behind. This time they sat together on the backseat. The drive was eerily quiet. No one said anything. It was only the sound of the engine disturbed by the noises of the early nightlife of the Big Apple. The lights around them were turning on already. Most of them mere flashes as they drove by. The cars coming from the other side of the road, shining right back at them.

The silence continued all the way until the door of their suite closed behind them. Even then there were a few seconds where they just stood there. Not sure what to do. Neither wanted to speak up first. They knew they had to though. It couldn't go on like this forever. At the end of the day, they were still best friends. Whether they liked it or not at the moment. They had gone through thick and thin together. Knew each other better than their own siblings. This madness had to stop somehow.

Tom sighed. It wasn't a frustrated sigh. Not a sad sigh either. Well, maybe a little. It was mostly a tired sigh. He was tired of this fight. It had only been going on for a day and it already was taking up most of his energy.

"Okay, Harrison, look," He put down his phone on the table. Harrison looked up at him surprised. Not sure where this was going. "I'm sorry I acted like a dick on set. I didn't mean to get angry. I do appreciate that you tried-" he saw the look Harrison gave him. "Right, you did apologize. I just completely ruined it."

"Whatever mate, you clearly didn't believe me, so let's just drop it okay." Harrison sat down on the couch. His arm on the lean of the sofa, fingers pressed against his temple as he tried to not think about anything.

"No, Haz. We can not just drop it. I need to talk and you need to listen and then you need to talk and I need to listen."

"That's pretty much how a conversation works, yeah." both of them actually chuckled. It was an action that came as a surprise to both of them. A little pressure taken off their shoulders. Tom was about to sit down on the couch next to him but stopped in mid-action. A chill went up against his spine and he stretched out his neck uncomfortably. He sat down opposite of Harrison instead. The smiles having faded from both their faces again now. Tom's brown eyes staring back into the contrasted blues of Harrison's.

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