Part Eight - the Other One on Set

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"Z, there is nothing to talk about," Harrison told her as he avoided some other power walking PAs and crew members of the movie set. The two young men passed Zendaya with a great distance. Their eyes on the ground, as if they deemed themselves not worthy of a glance of the beauty.

"Okay, I know you two are fighting, but did you plan this out? I swear to god, Tom said the exact same thing." She walked around him and stopped dead center of the hallway. All of the people around them gave Harrison toxic looks as if he was the one interrupting the flow of the room. He just smiled apologetically.

Even without heels, it was easy for Zendaya to look intimidating. Although they were about the same height, Harrison felt as if she was towering over him. She was basically looking down at him.

"Look, I don't know what bullshit story Tom told you this time, but I don't have time for this." He tried to walk past her, but Z put a hand on his shoulder.

"Dude, he told us everything." Fuck, why did he have to involve Z and Jacob into this? "How you two met a girl on the plane and now a week later both of you are in love with her."

"Woah, I am not in love with her."

"But you do have feelings for this girl right?" She raised her eyebrow, her hand still on his shoulder. Harrison looked down at it until she pulled it away. He sighed.

"Yes. But it doesn't matter because Tom likes her so obviously that means that he gets her." We all have to move out of the way for the prince on the high horse, he wanted to add but stopped himself.

"You both are hopeless." She put her hands up to her temples and took a moment to think through what she wanted to say. For all that time, Harrison looked at her a bit unsure, almost scared.

"Okay," she finally opened her eyes to look at him again, "Tom does like her. He does think you are a dick for kissing her... But he also said that if you and she become a thing, he wouldn't be the one to stand in your way of happiness." Harrison blinked a few times. Had he really said that? After that fight, he would have just softened down? Harrison didn't believe it.

"At least that's what he told me." Her eyes scanned his face. Harrison tried to loosen his jaw but it stayed clenched. "But you, and that also includes Tom, should remember that this is not only about you two. She is also a part of this. Her feelings are also important."

"Of course I know that." He pulled his hands out of his pockets.

"Do you?" She raised an eyebrow, not completely believing it.

"Yes, if she picks Tom-"

"But that's the thing, it's not about just picking a guy." Zendaya whisper shouted so the many people around wouldn't start to get nosy. "This is about you and Tom coming to your senses. You have to make up and end this whole fight or you will lose her. Because believe me, if you keep this up, you definitely will."


"I may not know the girl. Hell, I've never even met her, but from what you and Tom both told me I have the impression she is pretty conflicted and whatever this is, what is happening between you two, I don't think it will help. If anything, it will make her run away."

"How do you-"

"Because no girl in the right mind wants to be the reason why two good friends drift apart. Not to mention it's not just some two random dudes. This is you guys. If anything happens between you and Tom, there will be millions of girls out there ready for her. Pitchforks in hand and hungry for blood. That can scare a girl shitless.

"Now I know it's probably not your intention. I'm sure you know better than that, but the pressure you and Tom will put on her with all this fighting and making her choose will only make it worse." She gave him a weak smile. One that he could hardly refuse to give back. Harrison hated how right she was. "It's not the solution."

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