Part Seven - the One on the Set

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Your second time walking through the hotel corridor was much different than the first. You were alone and it felt scary. Even though you had been there before, you had literally walked here minutes ago, it felt so foreign. It was also very quiet.

The door was at the end of the hall. You stopped in front of it. Hoping that maybe the backpack would just appear. There would be no need to knock, no need for either of them to open up for you. No need for an awkward conversation if there even would be any.

But you had to get it back. You had been struggling long enough without it. And if you waited it would only get worse. Would you come back tomorrow? Probably not. It was better to do it now. Just get it over with. Face the situation you had gotten yourself into.

God, why did you have to kiss both of them? On the same day. It was nothing like you. You hadn't kissed your last boyfriend until you were together for a month but now you suddenly kissed two guys you barely knew. This was so wrong.

Gripping on to that last bit of courage within you, you were ready to knock. Your knuckles were already on the wood when you heard it. A voice. It was Tom. He sounded angry and spoke so loud that you could hear every word of it clearly. "I don't know what to think anymore, okay? I thought I could trust you, but there you go behind my back like an asshole and kiss her."

"Eh, how about you check yourself mate," Harrison's voice was also full of anger, but it was calmer. This making it a bit harder to understand through the door and distance between you and him. "you don't own her. She's her own person and she can kiss who the fuck she wants."

Everything you heard threw you off. Were they arguing? About a girl? Oh no, was it about you? No, it couldn't be. No. They wouldn't fight over you. That was even far-fetched if it was happening in your dreams. They were... Yes, it was probably just a script. They were just rehearsing for a role or an audition.

Something in you screamed to walk away. Not to listen, but your feet were glued to the ground. Instead of getting the hell out of there, you leaned in, trying to listen to what the two boys were saying.

"Of course I know that, you twat!" It was Tom again. The volume at which he spoke made you jump "It's not her I'm mad at, is it? She didn't do anything behind my back. She didn't kiss the person I'm in love with. That was you!" Yeah, this was definitely a role. Tom wasn't in love with anyone. Right? You ignored the sting in your heart as you listened.

"Oh, so now you're in love with her, please." Harrison raised his voice now too. It felt unnatural to hear him speak in a tone like that. It was full of anger. You didn't like it. You didn't like hearing either of them like that.

"It didn't seem to be a problem to you this morning." You went against all your ethics every second longer you stayed at that door. Every word you heard made you think over again how you shouldn't be there. How you shouldn't be standing in this hallway, listening to the two men you had just kissed... which you also should not have done.

"Well, that was before I realized she deserves someone better than you." Those words stung and they weren't even meant for you. It was unimaginable how it must hurt to be on the receiving end of this argument that they were having. No! The argument that their characters were having. You kept on telling yourself that.

"Don't tell me you mean yourself."

"Maybe I do. I don't know. All I know is that you are too much of a pussy. You don't even dare to get up and talk to her and still somehow expect her to fall at your feet. Well, bad news, movie star, you're not that big of a deal. If you want to get the girl, you should have to work for it..." They really were at each other's throats. You couldn't believe that they would actually fight like this over a girl. That didn't happen in real life. Then it must be a script. Now there was no doubt left in you. Except for those two words. Movie star. What kind of movie was this? Were they preparing for some kind of Notting Hill knock-off with a spin? A famous actor falling in love with a girl... but then his friend... NO! Your own thoughts were interluded when Harrison spoke again.

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