Part Twelve - The One on the Observatory

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Harrison walked you back to your hotel. You had easily spent four hours in the small café. You had first decided on some breakfast and tea, by the time you finished eating that you could have just as well had lunch and ordering coffee never really stopped. You could have easily spent the rest of the day there but you had to get back to your hotel and get ready for your date with Tom. Huh, it still felt so strange to say that. You still couldn't believe it that it was happening.

"You sure you don't want me to go with you to the airport tomorrow?" Harrison looked at you as you stood next to the entrance to the hotel.

"Yes, Haz, I'm sure. The flight takes off at like... 7 am, which means I'll have to be there at 5. So I will have to wake up, at the latest, at 4. I am not making you get up that early."

"Yeah, alright, that is way too early for me." He chuckled. "So, I guess, this is it then."

"I guess so." You rolled on the balls of your feet to your heels, a bit awkwardly. Harrison scratched the back of his neck. After a few seconds of that, you had enough and reached in for a tight hug, which threw Harrison a bit off guard. He stepped back to catch his balance, but once he did, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him.

"Thank you," you murmured against his chest, that was muffling all your words. You could feel him kiss the top of your head lightly. Then you pulled away.

"Text me when you land, if you want obviously." He spoke unsure. You squeezed his hand.

"Of course I will. I really hope we can stay in touch."

"I hope so too, we can meet up when I get back to London," he suggested, now sounding a bit more hopeful.

"I would love that, Haz." You said enthusiastically, almost on the verge of squealing. It wasn't often that you managed to make friends. Not to mention such great ones. "But I really go to go now." You let go of his hand. From the way his foot moved a bit forward you got the feeling he wanted to follow you. You actually wanted him to too. You didn't want to say goodbye just yet. But you had to get ready.

"What time did you and Tom agree to meet up?"

"Uhm, not sure. He said he would pick me up when he's done with filming. I don't really know what time that would be."

"I think today he was scheduled to be finished around 3 but I wouldn't be surprised if they got delayed so probably 4, 4:30." That still gave you a minimum hour to get ready. You thanked Harrison with another hug and said your final and real goodbye. You walked backward into the hotel, almost bumping into the door and the porter. The man nodded his head in amusement as you apologized several times, extremely embarrassed.

You were finally inside and looked at Harrison again, who was still standing in front of the building. He sent you a kind smile and a wave. You waved back. Still waving, he started to walk in the direction of the hotel he was staying at and in seconds he was gone. It didn't feel great to say goodbye but knowing that you will try to keep contact and will hopefully meet up back in England made it all a bit better. You took a deep breath and made your way to the room. After all, you had a date to prepare for.


Tom was miserable. He looked at the clock on his phone. It was almost three o'clock and he was far from being done. Ha, they had only shot three takes. And they were planning on filming at least a whole page, if not two preferably. This was crazy. He would never make it in time.

He tried calling her again, but of course, the set had no reception. This was actually getting ridiculous. To make things even worse, he had not charged his phone overnight, so soon it would definitely die on him. He hoped to find a charger anywhere but no one he asked had one, or at least not one that would fit his phone. In hopes to keep the device alive a bit longer, he turned it off. He would try again in his next break. Although, if he didn't take breaks maybe they would finish sooner. No. That would not be a smart idea. There was no other option but to take the time they needed to film.

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