Part Eleven - the One in the Café

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You woke up in the large bed. The warm duvet practically swallowing you up. The light was peeking through the half-closed curtains. Warm beams of sunlight giving the room a pleasant glow. The mattress, soft and fluffy, was almost too comfortable. You didn't want to leave it. You could stay there forever.

But that wasn't how life worked, so you opened your eyes and turned to your side. There, you still couldn't believe it, lay Tom. He was still fast asleep. Snoring just a little bit. Soft enough for it to still be cute and not so loud that it would disturb the serenity of this morning.

All you could do was look at him. How he looked so peaceful and cute yet handsome and sexy. His curls were all over the place, stuck to his forehead and pillow.

As you let him sleep, you thought about the night before. It was wonderful. You thought back to the kisses you shared on the balcony, in that chair. Eventually, it was starting to get a bit uncomfortable, so Tom (still holding you) picked you up and carried you inside. He only let go when you were able to fall down onto the couch where the heated make-out session continued. The kisses turning more and more passionate by the second. Going lower and lower, following every line and curve of your and his bodies.

Clothing had been thrown around when you made your way to the bedroom. Hearts beating faster and faster. Adrenaline mixed with all the other hormones rushing through you. You could feel the weight of him on top of you but it didn't feel like something you had to carry. It made you feel closer to him. Closer than you had ever felt before to anyone. Closer than you had ever imagined being with him.

His lips were teasing your skin, leaving marks and making you feel like you were on fire, thirsty, in need of more. You were so close to getting it, so close to feeling that immense pleasure... but you couldn't do it.

You opened your eyes, froze, and put your hand on his chest. "Wait." He immediately stopped and sat up. His eyes looking you up and down, worried he hurt you or did something wrong.

"Everything alright? Did I-"

"No, you didn't do anything. I just- I don't think we should be doing this, should we?" Feeling self-conscious, you grabbed the bed sheet and pulled it over yourself, covering your chest.

"You're right." you were surprised to hear that from him. Your sex life had never been extravagant, only having been with a few guys, all long term boyfriends. There had been a few times where, amidst the action, you felt something just wasn't right and asked to stop. Anytime you asked, your boyfriend had complied, never pushing you to do something you didn't want to do, but on his face, you could see the disappointment. There was none of that to be seen on Tom.

"We had just had this talk of taking it slow and here we are. It doesn't feel right to be doing it like this." You went on. "I understand if you want to leave..."

"Why on earth would I do that?" he quirked an eyebrow, looking genuinely confused.

"I uhhh, I thought, since this isn't happening, that you'd want to go back to your place... I don't know, sorry. I didn't mean to offend you."

"It's okay, love. You didn't. And if you would have me, I would actually much rather stay here than go." He scooted up to sit next to you. Before sitting down, he reached down to the ground and pulled up his t-shirt, handing it over to you. With a giddy smile, you took it from him and put it on. Luckily you both still had your underwear on, so he could slip under the covers and he had his arms wrapped around your waist.

"Are you sleepy?" he whispered. The warm air, hitting your neck and ear, making you shiver and giggle a bit. You shook your head no.

"Yeah, me neither." Just like that, the two of you sat up. You turned on the small night light, immediately giving the room an orange glow.

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