Part Two - the one in the hotel

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"You dickhead!" Tom exclaimed as his best friend told him what he did. "I can't believe you actually did that.

What were you thinking?" They were sitting in a car, on their way from the airport to the hotel. Harrison had just finished explaining his master-plan. Before Tom had responded, there was a long moment of silence in the vehicle. The only sound was the grazing of the wheels on the road and the motor. From time to time, a car in the lane next to them honked.

"Oh, c'mon, you're going to be thanking me later," Harrison smirked. He watched Tom massage his temple as his arm was leaning on the car's wall. On that little space of the door where the window rolls inside. The car took a sharp turn, causing Tom's elbow to slip off. He groaned as his head hit the glass, hard. Harrison started to laugh even harder.

"Why would I thank you? You just gave my number to a complete stranger! Not to mention, you stole her backpack."

"I didn't steal it," Harrison repeated the sentence for the tenth time.

'Eh, yeah. You did, mate. You may have given her yours, but if you took it without permission, it's stealing, you fucking genius." Tom couldn't express the frustration at his best friend properly. He could see the look he was getting from their driver through the mirror.

"Okay, the backpack thing aside then. I don't see why you're so pissed. You clearly like her." Harrison pointed out. Tom wanted to shrug it off. Just scoff and ignore the comment. But what would even the point in that? He would only be lying to himself. The moment he saw (Y/N) for the first time, standing so close to him, he felt something in him that he had never felt before. It was strange and he still wasn't sure if he liked the feeling, but it was undeniably there.

"See, the fact that you didn't reply, only proves my point." Harrison leaned back in his seat, a satisfied gleam in his eyes as he looked away. Tom also looked away from his best friend, but in his case, to roll his eyes. It would have been perfect if he didn't say anything anymore. If he would have just remained the silence that the two of them were working on, then maybe the subject could have been dropped. So, in the end, it was all Tom's fault really.

"So what if I do like her? It is still my choice to give her my number. What if I did that to you?" Harrison responded without a second to think in between: "To a girl like her? Please do, mate."


You stared at the piece of paper for the whole ride to the hotel. Your driver had to check up on you multiple times as you had not moved ever since you read the note. He asked you at least four times "Are you alright Miss?" To which you only nodded and replied with either "U-huh, yeah." or "Everything's good."

You analyzed the words through the drive, rereading them a few times. After the third time, you realized that it was actually a tissue on which Harrison wrote the words. You had to give it to him how neatly he managed to write on something as fragile as a thin piece of tissue paper. Also, you weren't sure when he had the time to write this in the first place. Was it when you were taking pictures of Tom and his younger fan? Would he have had the time to write it then? Or did he do it before?

The last idea made your stomach erupt with butterflies. If he had written the note before you met in the luggage claim, that would mean that Tom... he did actually like you, right? You reread it once again:

If you're reading this, it means that poor Tom failed at asking you out himself. So he wanted to ask you out? The idea that Tom actual Holland wanted to ask you out gave you the biggest smile ever. This wasn't something that happened to people, especially not you. It all seemed like a dream. Too good to be true.

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