Part 11.

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Emma Swan:

I really have run out of options, in only left with one choice. I cannot keep backing Regina when I don't actually know who she truly is. How can I defend her when I don't know what she's really done, I need to know who she truly is.

How can I fall for someone who has done such terrible things? I just don't know what those things are, but it's about time I know really what the evil queen is capable of... and there is one person that can help me with that.

Mr. Gold!

I open the door and become welcomes instantly by the high pitched churns from the bell above my head indicating my presence.

The shop is cluttered, with every belonging possible, heard that every item has its magical abilities that Mr Gold himself picked up from his past.

I cannot believe I'm going to talk to him, the most evil himself... Rumplestiltskin! But I have to. I need to know what Regina has done, and why she has done it, and most of all, if we can all forgive her.

"Hello dearie" the dark man wonders through the curtains of his shop putting all his force onto his walking cane. He looks just as expected and sounds just as you'd think, with his harsh snappy tone but always has that hint of sarcasm. "How can I be of any assistance to you Emma Swan?"

"H-how do you know my name?" I question as I walk closer to his till.

"You really shouldn't underestimate me, I'm the dark one, and might I add... you're the talk of the town" he states flinging his hands in all kinds of directions making me wonder if he needs any mental attention. "The saviour herself, how may I help you?"

"Right... anyway... I need to see Regina's past, or my past in the enchanted forest. It's just... I need to know who regina used to be" I look down and fiddle with my fingers. If I'm the talk of the town, I can only assume people are wondering why me and the adopted mother of my son get along so well, and how together we stopped this curse that she apparently set off to start with, and if anyone guesses anything it'll be mr gold himself. I let out a sigh and look back up to me gold. "Can you help me?"

"I believe I have just the thing." He spins around and rummages through a certain cupboard, "ahh" he lifts a dream catcher up in the air like he's found his prized possession. He whips around but frowns. "Now there's something you should know before you see these memories..."


"The reason you was in the hospital and fainted at Madam mayors office is because she poisoned you, Regina wanted to hurt you and this poison whether she remembered or not was a sleeping curse. So, now you know a little more about what she's capable of do you still wish to see this?" He asks. But all that's swimming through my mind is that Regina wanted to hurt me, she put me under a sleep curse and the only question swarming through my brain is why? In the office we were getting very intimate and if I didn't pass out or should I say put to sleep I would have certainly gone to the extreme with Regina. I thought she was different.

"W-Why? No... it doesn't matter. Let me see these memories" I'm adamant that this is what I need. Although I can see what she's capable of, I need to know why people fear her so much and what the worst thing she done was, and most importantly why she was evil.

"Very well dear" he runs his hand in a circular motion over the dream catcher and instantly it glows yellow beaming with light. Then an image appears.

First off I see my 'mother' meeting my 'father' then their wedding where Regina crashed threatening everyone's life. My mother being a bandit and running from Regina her whole life while the evil queen threatened every peasant that crossed her path. Her fashion was just evil itself with high raised collars, puffy shoulders and pure black and purple leather.

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