Part 24.

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Regina Mills:

There was no hesitation, I have no choice, I have to do this. I wonder down the track of the mines wondering when this trail will end. I could be faced with the unknown, who knows what could plan out, nobody knows of this Greg and Tamara, they could be very dangerous to pull of something like this. Who are they working for?

Eventually I peer around the corner and see an older looking man axing away at the shining diamond glowing blue. I'm too late is my first thought, I have to save these people and make sure I postpone time so they can get through a portal I'm hoping David is creating by now.

"Stop!" I yell as I run from the corner and face my enemies. I hold out my hands in front of my chest and push forward with force blasting the two people away from the diamond making them fly into the air and crash against the wall knocking them unconscious on the floor.

My feet scurry over to the rock as invest the problem, there's no stopping this anymore, only slowing it down. I hover my hands over the flashing gem and let all my power out of my hands, beams of red channel down to the diamond fighting against the blue slowing down the eruption of Storybrooke. I feel myself become weaker and weaker by the second so I need to follow my instincts. I cannot let go, I mustn't. I trust and believe that Emma will do what's best, she's the saviour and I know deep down in my heart her family are getting everyone to safety, I mean it's what they do best.

The rapid electronic red beams slowly start to die down, but I can not give up now, not this quickly. Thinking of Emma and Henry and their safety gives me enough boost to find the additional strength I have within me to continue to slow down the time until this town crumbles and wipes away from existence along with myself.

"Mom!" Henry runs down the centre of the mine and stands in front of me, my heart drops to the pit of my stomach, he can't be here, it's way too risky, I can't slow this down any longer and it's clear he's seeing my struggle.

"Henry, what are you doing here... I thought... no! You should be..." I stutter as my thoughts get the better of me, just the thought of him dying kills me inside, I'm doing this so he can get to safety yet instead he's here!

"Regina!" Emma runs after Henry and stops behind him, along with Snow and Charming. Emma walks right up close dragging Henry away from the dangerous object in front. "There must be another way"

"There's not, I can't hold it any longer, you need to go now" tears run rapidly down my cheeks and at this moment I don't even care that my emotions are out in the open, something I rarely allow to happen.

Snow and Charming see my pain they cry along with me knowing there's no other way to do this. David wraps his arms around Mary Margaret and my baby boy Henry. He'll always be my baby, and it destroys me knowing I'll never see him grow up.

"I can't leave you Gina" Emma cries as she stands beside me with hear eyes flooding too much to even look into. The sight of her is unbearable, it hurts too much knowing I'll lose them all forever, but at least I've done good by them.

"Em, you have to go, please I can't do this" I tremble, all my limbs are shaking, the floor is quirking and the towns screams are roaming around the town above, it's chaos. Why won't anybody stick to my plans? "I'm running out of time, GO!" I yell startling Emma a little , she snaps back to reality and places a soft kiss upon my kiss; her lips ghost a little while longer. I strain my hands over the object longer but turn by head to Emma concealing our goodbye with a passionate kiss. "I love you"

"I love you too" she whispers and runs back to her mother. They engulf her into a sincere hug knowing far too well what she's going through. Throughout their past snow and Charming lost each other occasionally, all because of me, so they know now that Emma and I share true love they know what we're going through and it freakin hurts so I can apologise for putting them through it.

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