Part 26.

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Emma Swan:

I lay patiently across my sofa awaiting for my girlfriends return home. She wasn't looking forward for tonight what-so-ever so I'm shocked she's out this late. It's almost 1Am and I just want to make sure she arrives home safe and sound. That's when I hear the door handle.

"Pssstttt, hello?" I hear through the echoey corridor, yep, just as presumed ... she drunk. "Emmmaaaaa"

I wonder to the corridor to find her on all fours crawling along the cold wood floor. She's hammered. She continues to crawl until she heads into the kitchen and pulls herself up.

It's clear she assumes I'm asleep because she doesn't bother calling my name again. I watch behind the door frame as she climbs on top of the kitchen side and opens her cupboard full of luxurious snacks.

She moans with every bite she takes of her chocolate pop tart and licks her plump lips. Which is a shock considering she's all healthy this... healthy that... and now she's caught red handed eating unhealthy treats.

"Busted" I yell as I jump out from behind the wall. Her chest rises above the ceiling as she opens her wide mouth of food as I startle her.

"Shit you scared me!" She pants. "I'm craving sugar, so what" she rolls her eyes.

"Fuck me if I'm wrong but you nag at Henry for eating all this" I want my hand as I stroll over to my tempting girlfriend.

"You're wrong" She quips without a single second of hesitation, I don't fully understand what she's getting at here but I think I know.

"Huh?" I knit my eyebrows together analysing the situation because I don't want to get the wrong idea.

"You said fuck you if you're wrong... you're wrong" he husks as she jumps down from the kitchen side never once letting go of her pop tart. "Get undressed" she commands coldly before taking another bite of her delicious food. Sometimes I wonder if she's taking sexily to her food or me? I mean there shouldn't be a competition between myself and food, should there?

"Shouldn't we go upstairs?" I suggest before taking off my fluffy dressing gown and letting it fall to the floor beside my feet.

"Nope, here is fine" she grins widely. I tuck my lip into my teeth and continue to obey her every command stripping down to pure nothing. I feel so exposed in this cold wintery nights but I'm sure she'll rapidly warm me up soon enough. She kicks off her heals and struts her ass over to me.

It's safe to say drunken Regina has all this hidden strength, she lifts me up and throws me down onto the island int he middle of the kitchen.

My bare back connects with the cold side sending shivers down my spine but soon enough, Regina flicks her wrist and ends up naked like me, she climbs up and ghosts over me.

"Regina, we cannot have sex on the kitchen side" I state through heavy gasps as she pecks my lips rapidly over and over again.

"Why ... not" she says through the kiss.

"Because, soon enough we will all be sat here having breakfast" I state the obvious, clearly it's highly unhygienic. "I don't quite thinks it's the cleanest of places"

She lifts her head with a frown, "I clean this kitchen side several times a day, it's clean miss Swan. Anyway, I'm simply just having my early breakfast" she winks before biting her lip painfully, yet driving my clit crazy.

"Fuck" I husk as she begins to grind ever so slowly on my body. I grip onto her rocking hips and watch as she paces herself back and forth to her own pleasure but it's not enough to send her overboard.

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