Part 35.

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Regina Mills:

Just as Henry leaps through the portal I'm feeling like I have less of a choice. Emma also feels obliged to follow and be there to rescue the onehanded hook and the selfless father of our son. I think by now my feelings for the two are not good, yet I still smile and bare them for Henry and Emma's sake. Now that they're diving through the portal I have no other choice but to follow them. They're my world and I love them endlessly, and if anything was to happen in Neverland without myself being present, I would never forgive myself. I need to go to protect them, to be there for them and be of some sort of assistance to the heroic mission to save the two people getting in the way of mine and Emma's anniversary.

Tonight was supposed to be special, I was going to take her to a romantic dinner, then sit on a rooftop looking at the stars with her favourite beer and picnic foods. I was going to give her a night to remember and make sweet love under the starry night and then when the moment is right... propose. How am I expected do all this in Neverland? A place where nobody grows up, a land full of lost boys who seek a particular child to save their doomed realm and keep magic alive, or more to the fact... to keep Pan young.

Emma is just about to step through the portal until I grab her wrist and yank her back. I know time is closing in and soon enough the portal will close, but I need to speak with her. "Emmy, this is not how I wanted to spend our anniversary, but I know how much these two fools mean to you, so I will be with you every step of the way, just promise me we will re-celebrate our anniversary when were home. I had so much planned" I frown, she hesitates and keeps flickering her anxious eyes between myself and the portal as time becomes limited.

"Look Gina, I know you don't like Killian and Neal but they've been there for us, and helped with the furies. We couldn't have done it without them and Killian is changing, and Neal wants to be part of his sons life, just as much as I did, and you let me. We owe it to Neal. I promise this will not ruin our anniversary, it'll be a little adventure" she reassures as she takes my hand and caresses my palm for reassurance. I peer up at my girlfriend and agree with a simple modest nod, although I don't like the two, she is right. They deserve a chance just as much as I did and Emma did. "Come on, before it closes and our son gets trapped in Neverland with his Grandparents" Emma snickers as she pulls me through the orange flame lit portal that just had enough time left to let us pass through.

One step in the portal and another step out leading us to the silent, dull, green land of Neverland. A realm where truly nobody grows age a single day.

"Emma, is everything okay? You took a while coming through" Mary Margaret asks as she holds henry close resting her hands upon his little shoulders. Although he is 12 now and starting to be so brave and dedicated to be a hero like his grandfather David and his mother, he is still my little, precious, fragile baby boy and nothing will change that.

"Yes Gina and I was just talking" Emma winks and links her hand in mine for support. She knows my true feelings about coming here. I would have been a little more willing if it wasn't our anniversary.

"Happy Anniversary you two" she beams while placing her bow and arrow over her shoulder.

"thanks" I smile and push past my feelings. "Where is Gold?" I narrow my eyebrows and scan the area. Nothing lurking behind the swaying trees, nothing hiding behind the rustling bushes and nothing creeping behind the lonely paths. So, where has he gone? That sneaky dark one is always one step area, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew something I didn't.

"Grandpa said he got us all here but that doesn't mean he is going to stick with us and he would much rather work by himself on this" Henry states with such enthusiasm like what he is saying is okay? But clearly Gold can fool Henry but not us, we know he has information that he is reluctant to tell us. That sneaky, lying, selfish crocodile. He only cares about himself and his power.

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