Part 31.

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Regina Mills:

~ 1 week later ~

Tis the night before Christmas Eve, 7pm to be precise and Henry has already scurried off to bed because he believes the quicker he goes to bed, the quicker it becomes Christmas.

Tomorrow is an exciting day for not only Henry but Emma too, and I guess myself. It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I will be hosting Christmas for the first time with the whole of our families. Zelena and I are reunited and spending our first Christmas together being away from the curse, same goes for Henry and Emma. However, it's a little more special for Emma, this is her very first memorable Christmas with a loving family and I cannot wait to see her face.

I have a special gift for Emma, but it taunts me. It makes me scared. Whether or not it's too soon I do not know; but time will tell. I just hope she feels the same way I do and will accept my proposal I have to offer. Only one more night to pass and I will give her the gift I've been dying to but also been worried to give. Why give it her on Christmas Eve you may ask? It's because I want to do this while her family is surrounded around us.

It was safe to say that Zelena makes very strong eggnog but how can we blame her, she's not used to this realm and she's certainly not used to the supplies.  Each and every one of us are intoxicated by now and we don't have a clue what we're talking about.

"What's the dumbest thing you believed as a child?" My giggling sister bellows through the moving walls. Air become tighter but I don't ever want this night to end.

Just spending the night with my girlfriend and my sister is everything I've ever wanted and to be so close to Christmas just makes the atmosphere so much more jolly.

"That I was straight" I laugh out louder than I'm thinking. My laugh becomes uncontrollable as I wiggle around on the sofa.

"My turn to ask... Zelena... do you have any love interests? Male or Female?" I stir wanting to know more from my big sis, I'd like her to share everything with me.

"Well being as I'm drunk I'm sure I have no problem answering... there's this one man... his names Robin but there's also this women, which quite frankly I never even thought about but I don't know, she's just adorable... her names Belle" my sister explains.

My mouth drops at her confirmation. I've read about this Robin in Henry's book, the Robin Hood. I must say he's a charmer but she's also crushing on the sweet little bookworm.

"Well it appears you have a love triangle... and there's only one way to choose..." I start off but I'm quickly interrupted by a stunning blonde.

"THREESOME" she calls out. We both roll our eyes and chuckle at her statement.

"Well actually I've already had sex with Robin and wow let me tell you it's big. Don't moan at me sis, we was both drunk and he's also married but I don't know, I feel like Belle is more of a mystery and I like that" she explains, and I understand. Completely. I hated Emma but she was a mystery which is why I'm so madly in love ... there's just one thing she should know but maybe I should tell her when she's sober.

"I see, well you just need to find more out about Belle, she's a good friend of mine despite the fact I locked her away for 26 years, but I can set the two of you up if you'd like" I enquire but instantly she gives me a nod.

"And being as we're all sharing ... thank you Reg for sticking by me and I don't just mean now, but during the curse too" she smiles softly and stares down at her empty glass.

"You really think I'm going to let anybody kill my big sis, but me? I like having you around Zelena" I take her hand into mine and smile back.

The night passes and the conversation gets more and more bazaar by the second. We've now gotten onto the subject of sexual fantasies.

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