Part 32.

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Regina Mills

Christmas Eve has crept too quickly. This year has gone dangerously quick but it was full of great adventures, including finding my true love.

None of us can find the hidden strength to pull ourselves out of bed, yet Emma's peppering of kisses over my body is enough to Regina the energy and greet my son on this fine day.

We head downstairs to find Henry and Zelena cooking pancakes for us all this wintery morning.

"Mmm smells great" Emma moans as she takes in the sweet smelling foods that she fantasises over.

"I'm sure I heard a few moans like that coming fro...." my eyes widen from fear that Henry will hear what my sneaky sister is about to say, so with a flick of a wrist I take her voice leaving her gasping to finish her sentence, but I will never let Henry hear something like that, it'll scar him for life.

"Mom, why have you taken Aunty Z's voice?" He timidly asks with a curious face. Damn:

"Because she was about to use bad language, and that's naught isn't it?" I make up on the spot. I cannot give him the real reason, he will be mortified.

"Yes, naughty Aunty Zelena" he sternly tells her off provoking all of us to laugh except Zelena of course. She just sits on the kitchen island and crosses her arms grumpily.

There's a light knock at the door, presumingly the Charmings ready for Christmas. Henry runs to the door with energy and joy full of this happy time of year and greets his grandparents.

"That was close" Emma giggles quietly and pushes me against the cupboards before stealing a quick kiss. "Hi mom" she grins as Snow walks in.

"Hey sweetie" she holds her daughter tight and pulls me in at the same time, this big group hug just gets more and more strange. Who knew someone could get this happy during Christmas? "How are you both?"

"Good thanks, and you?" I reply waiting for her to answer but she just furrows her eyebrows at silent Zelena. I must say her quietness is bliss.

"I'm good..." she trails. "But what's wrong with Zelena?" She questions. "She's awfully quiet"

"Too quiet" David chuckles just earning an eye roll from a very silent red head.

"Mommy took her voice" Henry chirps rapidly without hesitation.

"Regina... it's Christmas, return her voice right away" snow commands with authority in her voice.

"Fine" I grumble with frustration, but I'm sure nobody wants to hear what she has to say.

"Ahhh that's better, it's so good to have my voice back" she grips her throat like she's missed the sweet sound of her voice too much and for added dramatic effect. "And to tell you and Emma to be quiet at night, maybe you could learn a trick or two and take your own voices so maybe I can actually sleep at night"

"That's it, take it back" snow irks awkwardly as everyone appears shocked except thankfully Henry who is stuffing his face with treats.


Its nice having Snow and Charming here to actually cook dinner for us all, it makes a change for saying I'm normally the one to cook.

"Dinners ready" David hells through the walls tempting us all to trample over one another and race to the table for food like we're all hungry vultures.

"Smells great" I inhale all the sweet smells of the buffet Mary Margaret and David has laid out on the long table.

We all claw at the food and dig in until our stomachs cannot handle another bite. We all hold our bellies from out full dinner and relocate ourselves to the lounge where we watch Arthur Christmas, Henry's Favourite.

Emma and I snuggle up on a sofa tightly together as she holds me tight. Snow and David do the same on a different sofa as Henry sits on the rug in front of the TV. Henry's always enjoyed the warm cosy nights by the fire as his family snuggle close behind watching a film. It's beginning to feel more Christmassy by the second.

This is all I've ever wanted, a family to share this jolly holiday with. Isn't that what Christmas is all about? Spending Christmas with loved ones. I look around to each individual person in my house, David grinning at the table as he places a loving kiss to his wives temple and holds her tighter as the midnight breeze brushes through the air. I'm not going to lie, I hates him just as much as Snow but he used to be so irritating, however now he is Storybrooke's Sheriff and a hero to all, a truly respectable man and Henry's nearest role model. Then there's Mary Margaret as she holds David's hands that are tightly wrapped around her, the women I hated so much that wanting her dead was my only wish and only present I ever desired for Christmas, now she's my best friend and I wouldn't dream of any harm coming to her. She could even potentially be my mother in law if things go to plan with Emma. Zelena my dear sister, sitting cosy on the single seated sofa. Boy have I missed her, but we always had this conflict, wicked vs evil but now I'd be lost without her, I look up to my big sis and she's all I have left from our family which is the reason I reach out to make my own. Then Henry, my sweet precious boy growing so strong and wishing to become the knight we all know he can be, he wants to be a hero like his mother and he's always believing the best in people, I truly admire that about him because without that I'd have no hope to change for him. Now, Emma my love of my life and my soulmate, I hidden away all my feelings for the stunning blonde and forbid my true emotions but now it's clear she's all I ever want and she's what's brought this family together. I gaze over my shoulder to her grinning face as she watches the cartoon movie with joy, such a child.

She then down at me and chuckles lightly before stealing a soft kiss and tugging the blanket further up to hide our faces as she deepens the kiss. She pulls away blushed and looks back to the TV but I cannot seem to peel my eyes away from her beauty.

"What?"she laughs awkward;y at my staring.

"Nothing I just love you, thanks to you I've had the family I've always wanted and I realise now that I've missed out on too much and I'm not going to waste another second"

"I love you Gina"
A/n: just a very quick chapter because I'm sure we're all busy and I'm sorry it's a little rushed and short but enjoy. Merry Christmas x

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