Part 36.

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Emma Swan:

Just 12 hours in Neverland and I'm already feeling this sharp sting in my heart, like a stabbing ache that cannot seem to go away for just a second to allow me time to breath, and I don't know if this is because my son is missing in a realm we don't know very much about or whether its because of Regina. I shouldn't have left things that way, I should have gone after her instead of adding fuel to the fire. I mean it is our anniversary and I've ruined it, for sure.

"Stop stressing about Regina, Its a good thing that you have both separated for the meantime until you found Henry" My mother states, an deep down I know she is right, I just can't care to admit it. I just stroll grumpily behind my mother like I have for the past 12 hours now. I just need to speak to my girlfriend.

"How so? Because I don't feel as though this is right, Regina and I always talk about our feelings and don't leave any unwanted burden or tension. I hate this feeling, I need to talk to her mom" I admit, we are the type of relationship where we wont leave any awkward tension, we resolve the argument but still I'm left feeling confused as to what is best in this scenario? We are in Neverland on some rescue mission for two people my girlfriend despises, and this is the biggest argument we have had yet, so maybe this is different and maybe he does need her space.

The worst part of the whole of this is that we are all split apart, we need to find Henry, Neal, and Killian but once we have done that how do we find each other? I can't just walk this realm to find Regina, my mother and Gold but I guess that is how it has planned out and we always find a way of finding each other.

"If you need to speak with Regina then do it. You need a clear head to focus on our mission and why we are really here, and if that means talking to Reg to clear that foggy mind of yours, then do it. I'll be perfectly ok by myself deer and I will find you" My mother reassures as she cups my cheeks into the palms of her hands and caresses my cheeks lovingly. "My plan is to find Neal and Hook quickly, they know Neverland better than anybody, and they can help find Henry, We will win this sweetie, now go win your girlfriend" she encourages, and with that being said I place a tender kiss to her forehead and waltz away on a different track in hopes to bump into Regina.


Yet another hour passes and I sure am... still alone. This is hopeless, my mother and I have split for no reason what so ever and now I'm begging to find the last bit of energy to keep my eyes pried open and focus on my task, which is getting my son back.

Maybe just a little moment to rest isn't so bad, Yet another large rock ready for me to sit upon to rest my wondering legs. That's when I see Regina's bracelet sat right next to my feet. It appears I am on the right track, which is the track my girlfriend is taking. I can't be too far behind.

"Hello Emma, I was hoping to get you alone" A voice bellows from behind the bushes. A dark shadow walks out as I see a kid, aged around 17 at the most probably. "The names P..."

"Pan, yes I know who you are and I don't care. Fucking tell me where you have locked my son away!" I shout as I raise from the rock and push him against a tree pinning my full body weight against his. In all honesty I done this to intimidate him, maybe even frighten him a little. I know that was bad of me considering he is just a child but he is sick in the head to keep taking children.

"You're not going to hurt a boy now are you?" he laughs in my face like he can read my actions, but nobody should ever underestimate actions of a pissed of mother. "Don't worry, Henry is safe, its you I'm worried about Em-ma"

"Me? Why me?" I question, slightly loosening my grip of his collar.

"I'm Peter Pan, I know a lost person when I see one and Emma you are lost. A broken child with no family or love to seek upon" He scoffs as though he knows me so well, and he is right I was a broken child and that is evident in my eyes sometimes but that's not the case anymore.

"yeh, well, not anymore. I have my family and I have a girlfriend and I would have a son if you didn't take him from me!" I grit my teeth and show off my anger but he seems to find my statement way too amusing. He lightly giggles while shaking his head but I don't get what he is finding so funny. I'm not a lost soul anymore for certain.

"Oh Emma, you're so delusional. Your girlfriend, the EVIL Queen, she doesn't love you. If she did she wouldn't have pushed you away like she did. She has never loved you, I thought that was clear but you're too blind to see it" He fires back, I know he is just playing a game but something about this seems so realistic, what if she doesn't love me? Normally, she would never ever push me away like that or snap at me with such distaste in her words. Maybe I'm just relying and overthinking Pan's words too much, but what if it is the truth? "Drink this" he states pulling a small clear bottle out from his pocket.

"You think I'm stupid, I'm not just going to drink some random potion you give me. You're a liar and I don't trust you" I snap back, I mean who really just drinks something a random stranger gives you?

"You should trust me, its just spiritual water with a strand of Regina's DNA, you want so badly to talk to her and fix your argument and to prove to yourself that the queen actually could potentially love you, then drink this" he says pushing the bottle further into my chest. This is a test, one he wants so badly to fail. He believes because I'm a lost child that I'm incapable of love, where as he is wrong? If I drink this I believe this will lead me straight to Regina. My true love and then he will be proven wrong and together we will save everyone. "I'll make another deal, if you drink this I will give you a map, one that sets a path straight to your son, and I will let you all go"

"Why do you want me to drink this so bad?" I ask taking the clear liquid from his hands. I know it will lead me to Regina. It is tempting, all I want to do is see Regina and speak with her to put everything out in the open and fix what has happened, after all it is out anniversary and we should not be spending it alone. So yes, the potion is persuasive. "Because I don't believe she is your true love but you can prove me wrong with taking this potion and I will hand you the map right away"

"Well I do believe, so..." I pop off the cork on the clear bottle and let the cool liquid run straight down my throat. I look to the boy in front as he has a big giddy grin but I have what I need. He has given me the map. I unroll the sandy paper ready to see the set destination where my son is kept, but I see nothing. Maybe this potion is not what I expected it to be. "its blank, there is nothing there"

"oh but there is Emma, you just need to except who you truly are first... a lost child, you need to deeply see that you and I are just the same, believe Emma" I'm too dumbfounded to keep him pinned against the tree but now he's made me drink this liquid and given me plain map I'm still left without answers. He runs away and back behind the bushes but he is too quick. He is long gone.

Now I just need to focus on the path that is leading me to my true love.


A/n: Another chapter in Neverland. Hope you enjoy reading this and be sure to give your opinion or even suggestions for future chapters.

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