Part 38.

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Emma Swan:

This is all just one big misunderstanding, I didn't kiss Killian, never would I ever. He just taken everything the wrong way because that is exactly what he does, jumps to conclusion and comes across too pushy which is why I will never love him, which is also why I knew he wasn't my true love, I knew as soon as I was lead to him that Pan had tricked me. Regina is and always will be my true love.

But now I have messed everything up because I didn't push Killian away as quickly as I should. In my brain I was screaming to hit him, push him to the ground or just disappear in a thick cloud of smoke, but unfortunately my magic is unpredictable and I became frozen.

Now Regina wants me gone, we're done. She broken up with me because I was such a fool to every believe that she would give me a chance to explain myself, instead she jumps to action, hurt Killian (not that I'm saying he don't deserve it, because he does) and leave my sorry ass. What will we tell Henry? Gosh I miss her so much already. I wanted to find her and then fix things but instead thing blew up more and our relationship has ended.

"Emma, now that you and Regina have broken up, maybe you and I know..." Killian suggests, I swear I could just kill him right now for even suggesting it. He lurks behind me as I remain broken hearted after Regina ended things and vanished like she always does when things get too hard.

"Are you for real?" I yell with fire, he cannot be serious.

"Well...y-yes. I mean we don't know how long we will be trapped on this island so why don't we have some fun?" He questions again, I swear it is taking all my energy not to throw a single punch to his jaw right now, so instead I tighten and clench my fist to hold back my anger.

"BECAUSE I HAVE A SON TO SAVE AND A RELATIONSHIP TO FIX KILLIAN, YOU ARE A JERK" I fire in return, but to my surprise he just scoffs as though my relationship has died out, but it hasn't, there may be anger and emotions but we love each other and I need to explain myself, eventually we will make it through this and we will get back together, I have to believe it.

"What relationship?" He sarcastically whispers, that's enough now. I cannot sit by and listen to him mock mine and Regina's relationship when he is just jealous.

I spin hot on my heels and take that one large leap forward close to him to the point our noses are almost touching, but obviously, the psycho he is, he enjoys it so he grins like a giddy school boy having his first kiss, but instead I wipe that smirk off his face by clenching my fist so tight and swinging straight for his face.

He knocks down onto the floor and becomes a little winded, but he just laughs. Is there no stopping this man? He looks up and it appears my punch has done more damage than I thought. His nose is pouring with blood and his lip is busted. Maybe that will make him realise that I mean no jokes or games and my feelings for Regina are sincere and meaningful.

"Goodbye Killian" I sass in disgust and leave him laying there in pain.


I meet my mother back on the path I followed and explained everything this crazy night has brought for me and it is safe to say, she sees my heart break.

"Mom I just need to find Henry and Neal and get home, wherever home is now" I shrug as several tears run without permission down my cheeks, how can I hold back when the women I love more than anything has left me over a silly mistake that I didn't even instigate.

"I know sweetie and things will get easier. Regina will come to senses and you always have a home with me deer" my mother coos in her soft angel-like tone she always has for me. Its so warming to know she will always be there for me no matter what, if I didn't have my mother here with me, I would be a mess.

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