Chapter 3

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Happy Black Friday ☺️ Did you all get some good bargains at the shops?

For those of you who are following along from The Alpha's Shatter Zone, you are all gonna LOVE this chapter! 😊😊 We catch up with our favourite Alphas 🥰😍

To all my new readers, you'll enjoy this too, and get to meet some very special people of my imagination ☺️♥️

2190 words

"I know you're awake, Beautiful."

"No you don't." The voice came out muffled from under a pillow. "Because I'm not."

"I think you are."

The Alpha felt a kiss on her shoulder, before warm lips moved to her neck. Groaning, Chesca tried batting his face away. "Five more minutes."

But her mate was persistent, and wouldn't be deterred. "Do you know what time it is?" Kaiden asked while tugging the pillow from her grip.

"Yep. It's time for Baby to begin his morning kicking routine," she replied while finally opening her bleary eyes, looking at her mate with envy. How come he always managed to look so good in the morning, while she stumbled from bed more often than not looking like a zombie? And everyone said she'd glow during pregnancy.

"Really? Let me feel it," Kaiden exclaimed, much too excitedly, and placed his hands gently on Chesca's stomach. His warm touch never ceased to send tingles across her skin, and as Chesca watched the awed expression on his face, she thanked God once again for the love and beauty of her mate and growing family.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little," Chesca admitted. "But it reminds me just how healthy he is."

"Or she."

Chesca laughed and placed her hands on Kaiden's cheeks, drawing his face close for a kiss. "Yes, or she. But you know I'm often right about these things. Call it maternal instinct or just a crazy shewolf high on hormones, but I gave a feeling it's going to be a boy."

"We'll see," Kaiden conceded with a lift of his lips before proceeding to kiss her deeply, his fingers tangling her already messy hair. "I still can't believe we made this little baby." His hands ran over her stomach, warming her and their pup from the inside out.

"Me neither. I still get amazed even though I've had months to prepare and get used to the idea. I love him so much already, as well as loving you more each day. I sometimes think my heart will burst," Chesca smiled languidly into her mate's caramel brown eyes, admiring the flecks of gold and the way they crinkled when he smiled.

"I'll be there to put it back together, don't you worry," Kaiden promised, sealing it with a kiss on her lips that she never wanted to end.

They were interrupted by a high pitched squeal.

"Momma, Dadda! I'm hungwy!"
Then two tiny fists pulled on the edge of the sheets, bunching them together as he hauled himself up. "Momma, I'm hungwy!"

"You're always hungry, aren't you, little fella?" Chesca helped her little pup over her stomach until he fell between her and Kaiden in a fit of giggles. "You take after your daddy."

"More like his mother. I think her appetite surpasses mine nowadays, right Isaiah? She just keeps eating and eating and growing fat!" Kaiden tickled his young son.

"Nooo!!" Isaiah squealed and giggled. "Momma not fat, she having a baby."

"That's right, my clever boy. Your baby brother or sister needs all the food he can get to grow big just like you!" Chesca kissed his chubby cheeks, his brown curls bobbing against his forehead.

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