Chapter 70

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"What are you doing here?" Malachi holds the sword out firmly, the deadly sharp tip aimed straight at Zander's throat.

Everyone around us has stepped back, remaining silent and leaving a gaping space in the middle of the room, filled now by Malachi and me with Hamilton and Hendrik on either side of us. Standing across from us are Zander and his men. Each is tense, alert, fists clenched and muscles coiled for action.

"Malachi, we invited them, remember?" I clutch my mate's arm yet keep my eyes on the other Alpha male in the room, making sure no one makes any funny moves. All my senses are heightened from the new and stronger connection to Malachi, and I evaluate every small emotion that cross Zander's face, every small twitch of his muscles or shifting movement of his eyes. I'm reading him like I never have anyone before, and I don't sense a real threat.

Despite this, Malachi has already pushed me further behind himself, shielding me with his body. I appreciate the protective gesture, though it is definitely unnecessary. I know Zander would never hurt me.

"Yes, we received the invitation, isn't that right, Flynn?" Zander quips to the man beside him, never taking his eyes off Malachi.

"Hey, you said it," the powerfully-built wolf lifts a shoulder in a nearly imperceptible shrug, his brow creasing in a manner that betrays his objection in the matter.

"A beautiful pink envelope with rose-scented paper, and signed in a glittery pink pen," Zander winks at me and I frown, unamused with his jokes and unsure where he's going with this.

"We only planned this yesterday. So there's no way we had time to even think about sending out invitations," Malachi growls, gripping the sword tighter.

When Zander just presses his lips together, suppressing a chuckle, I roll my eyes and step forward.

"Malachi, this is ridiculous. We spoke to Zander just yesterday and told him he could come to our ceremony," I say sternly, tugging on his arm to encourage him to lower the deadly sword.

"I didn't think he'd actually accept your offer!" Malachi continues glaring at Zander with dark intent.

"Yeah, neither did we. Good to know someone else has sense around here," the warrior called Flynn mutters., bravely casting a sideways frown at his Alpha. I can see despite Zander's relaxed attitude that his men don't share the same ease in being here, surrounded by the pack that took away their territory. They have reason to distrust us, and are fearful our invitation was just to lure them here in an ambush.

"How'd you even get past border security?" Malachi demands, his stance unrelenting.

Zander restrains himself from rolling his eyes, and instead folds his hands in a gentlemanly fashion. "Your guards had been informed of our invitation, and allowed us safe passage over your territory," he replies calmly, sharing a knowing smile with Hendrik.

Alpha Malachi glares at his Gamma, but I throw him a thankful look.

Then I walk boldly up to Zander, despite Malachi reaching for me, and wrap my arms around him in a hug. I feel a sense of peace wash over me, and I know there is nothing to fear from this unpredictable and roguish yet courteous Alpha. I can hear Malachi growl lowly, the sound rumbling around with small vibrations, so I step back to put distance between us. Looking up at the tall Alpha, I give Zander a warm smile. "It's good you could make it. But you missed the ceremony," I say, disappointment colouring my voice.

"I'm sorry, Luna. I really wanted to be here for it, but these knuckleheads wouldn't let me leave our territory," he motions to his men, and I smile at them in understanding. "I think they were afraid your Alpha would try to kill me. Can't imagine why," he throws a glare over my shoulder towards Malachi, who still stands close by with the sword in one hand and his claws extended from the other, a murderous glint in his azure eyes.

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