Chapter 72

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"Luna Ariella, you're going to have to come with us."

I stumble back, finding myself wrapped securely in my mate's protective arms.

"I don't think so," Malachi growls at him, his voice low and possessive, territorial and deadly. We both glare at the man who has the audacity to try and whisk me away from the haven of my mate and our long-awaited time together.

"Leave these buffoons to us," Alpha Asa brushes past us, followed by my dad and Alpha Kaiden. The three of them make a very formidable force, one I would never want to be on the wrong side of. "You two go ahead, and enjoy yourselves," the cheeky Alpha throws us a wink before he picks up the stranger easily and strong-arms him back into his car. The other men are just as easily wrestled down, but I barely see the action since Malachi is hurrying me to his own car.

Before I can even catch my breath, we are on the road, cruising at what feels like ninety miles an hour. "Malachi, slow down! I didn't survive a knife in the chest just to be killed in a crash!"

"That man!" my mate pounds the steering wheel in anger. "He had the audacity to try and take you from me! I haven't been through hell just to hand you over to the first stranger who comes knocking on our door." He mumbles some threats and curses, but nothing so nasty as what I've heard cross his lips before.

"We don't even know what he even wanted. He might have just been there for—"

"Cake? You're right. We should have just invited him in for a slice of our ceremony cake. Why didn't I think of that?"

I giggle at the thought. "You know, that might not have been such a bad idea. Honestly, I was so surprised and shocked at his audacious demands, I was this close to tackling and strangling him," I hold up my fingers two millimeters apart, then feel ashamed of my violent thoughts and take a deep breath to calm myself. "Cake and tea would've been good for us all."

"I'm sure he'll get some anyway. It seems Luna Danella and your mom are trying to talk sensibly to the men," Malachi sighs and I can tell he's calming down as well. The further down the winding road we drive, the more distance we put between us and the unknown threat, the better we both feel.

"What do you mean?" I look at him, puzzled. The deep frown between his eyes softens, his grip on the steering wheel eases.

"Graysen is keeping me up to date."

I realise he's communicating with his warrior before we leave the territory.

"He says, the man is affiliated with the council, and just wanted to speak to you about his son."

"His son?" I question, taken off guard by this seemingly benign reason for storming our celebration. "I don't even know him or his son."

"Neither do I. His name is Victor Forrester, but he won't tell them anything about his son," Malachi pauses, and I hope his mind is as much on the road as on the conversation in his head. "He says he wished only to speak with you, but now he'll leave our territory. He isn't a threat like we thought he was."

"That's a relief. But now I feel bad. He came all the way to speak to me—"

"Ariella, don't," Malachi says sternly, placing his hand over mine to stop it from gesticulating wildly. I know he feels the guilt that is starting to eat me up. "You owe him nothing. He has no rights to come and interrupt our lives like that. Apparently, he'd heard of your ability to sense what happens in the future. If he thinks he can treat you like some cheap fortune-telling gypsy, and get his palm read to track a wayward son, then maybe I should've punched him to a pulp like I wanted."

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