Chapter 14

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"Mom! Mom! My bike is missing!" The future Alpha came rushing into the kitchen and exclaimed, pushing her light brown hair out of her face with both hands.

Chesca looked over the bowl of chopped fruit at her expressive daughter, and frowned. "Did you remember to bring it in last night? You were out playing till late."

"I know, I know. I put it behind the garage like you told me to, but it's not there! And I think Justin stole it!" Savannah walked in circles around the kitchen, too distressed to sit down.

"And what makes you think he did that? It's not good to accuse someone without any proof," Chesca scolded gently, hoisting Isaiah to her other hip before putting the kettle on to boil. Her other daughter Emerald pulled out a few plates from the cupboard and placed them on the table, before getting sliced cheese from the fridge. Lunch in the Alphas' household was always a noisy affair, and Chesca didn't need Savannah's dramatics this early in the day. Already yesterday there had been some consoling to do when the little Alpha felt excluded from some boys' club Justin had invented. It ended up being a group of boys whispering and conspiring together to play a prank on Savannah, which was thankfully put a stop to by Beta Benjamin before anyone could get hurt.

Apparently they had been planning to tie her up to a log and set her adrift in the lake, but after an hour lecture by the stern Beta, the boys promised to never play a joke that could harm anyone.

"I just know it was him! I saw him sneaking off with my bike this morning from my bedroom window. He thought I wouldn't notice but I'm always watching him. Always watching," Savannah held a glass of juice tightly between her hands while she stared through the living room window to outside. Her eyebrows were twitching in a show of concentration, as if this very moment she was observing the boy through the mindlink and keeping tabs on him.

"Then why don't you ask him where it is?" Chesca asked while shaking her head at Isaiah who was reaching for a cup off the shelf. It was hard work looking after the little boy, and keeping her daughters out of mischief, while preparing meals and doing other housework, but Chesca liked the challenge. When the previous cook Destine found her mate, she resigned from working for the Alpha to raise and look after her own family. Chesca then had to do most of the regular home duties, but since Kaiden took on the Alpha responsibilities of their combined pack, she was happy with the arrangement they'd come to.

Being an Alpha had been rewarding, but being a Mother felt like she had finally found her true calling. Chesca loved spending as much time as possible with her little pups, teaching them about the world and helping them become strong and wise.

"That would just be dumb. He'd laugh and say I was stupid and to go find it myself. But I'm pretty sure I know where it is!" Savannah exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "You know that big tree in the backyard near the stream? I think he put it up there!"

"Up a tree? How would Justin get your bike up into a tree?" While strapping Isaiah into his highchair, Chesca continued solving her eldest daughter's problem, by trying to untangle her fantastic theories of what might have happened to her bike. The Alpha female should've known from the outset that the Beta's eldest boy would be the culprit.

"He just can, I'm telling you! You don't know Justin. He's mean. If he wants to do something to annoy me, he will, no matter how hard it is. But I'm going to get it down. Once I get my bike back, I'm going to plan something just as awful for him. I'm going to—"

"Okay, Vannah, that's enough," Chesca stopped her mid-sentence when she was getting too worked up. "You should be helping your sister get lunch on the table, not planning revenge on Justin. Now get ready, because Dad should be here soon."

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