Chapter 19

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"Harlow, go easy on her."

"Why? Is there a reason she needs going easy on?" Harlow shot the Beta a suggestive smirk.

"No, there's no reason. Give me all you got," Ariella blurted out, not wanting anyone to think she was weak or cowardly.

But in reality, her heart had kicked into overdrive while her stomach sank to her toes. Harlow was going to challenge her? A prickly sensation crawled over her skin at the thought of what was about to happen.

With her legs suddenly feeling like cold stiff boards of wood, Ariella got into a sloppy fighting position and clenched her fists. It took all her concentration to focus on her breathing and posture, bracing her legs for the first move by Harlow. It would look pathetic if she went down at the first hit.

But Harlow didn't attack. First, she stretched her legs. One, then the other. After flexing her arms, she peeled off her tank shirt, revealing a muted grey sports crop and her toned stomach. The smirk on her face made it obvious she knew everyone was watching her. And she basked in the attention.

With a rising heart rate, Ariella kept an eye on Harlow carefully, like a piece of prey knowing it's about to get eaten. Harlow just circled her, watching her with those bright hazel eyes of hers, some sort of calculation going on behind those glossy irises. Ariella tried to read her expression, but it was confusing. Harlow had been nothing but friendly towards her since they met, but there was something sharp beneath it all, something cool and cunning. Ariella needed to find out what before she could fully trust her.

The others around them stepped back to form a fighting ring, their faces expectant, their voices low as they betted on who would win.

Blocking them all out, Ariella stretched her neck from side to side, never taking her eyes from Harlow's, then pounced. If she was nothing else but quick, she'd have a chance at this. She might not be strong or have finely honed skills, but she could mimic the moves she'd seen her dad perform a hundred times over while training the ForgedHearts warriors. And one important thing she'd learnt: never show weakness to your opponent.

With the speed of a swift, she flew towards Harlow without having a plan besides the element of surprise.

Harlow ducked easily, and Ariella had to rotate her body to land on her feet instead of her face. Whipping her head around, she saw in time the punch that Harlow sent her way, and managed to block the blow with her forearm, but caught the other one right on the chin. Harlow growled with self-encouragement as Ariella's head snapped to the side.

Stumbling to the side, Ariella thought quickly and decided to play defence, knowing for sure she'd never win this challenge unless Harlow made a mistake. And by the smug and cocky look on her face, Harlow wasn't planning on making a mistake. So Ariella would have to tire her out, make her dance and hope that everyone would get sick of the pathetic fight they were putting on.

Only it wasn't a pathetic fight. While Ariella had been thinking, Harlow had been making her moves, driving the less-experienced girl into a more and more vulnerable state. Ariella's shins now hurt from falling to her knees countless times. Her forearms ached from blocking blows, and her ribs were shaking with pain everytime Harlow's fists met with them. The female warrior's technique was calculated, not rough and wild like most wolves Ariella read about. Harlow was taking her time, making well-placed attacks that Ariella saw coming, but didn't have the strength or foresight to counteract.

Ariella was going down, and fast.

Her instincts were becoming frenzied, causing her to make blind attacks for the other girl's throat with snapping teeth, but each time she'd end up being swatted away like a pesky fly, landing in the dirt with as much dignity as a discarded piece of trash.

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