Chapter 28

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"What is it, Alpha? If it's about Ezra, I vowed to have him in shape before the end of the month, and I still plan—"

"It's about my mate."

Hendrik shut his mouth and swallowed hard. "Alright, well, you should know that what I said yesterday, I didn't mean it. I wouldn't have said it if I'd known she was your mate—"

"That's not what I want to talk about," the Alpha cut him off again. "But what did you say yesterday?" He turned a dark stare to his Gamma.

"Oh, I.. uhh.. nothing. It was nothing, really," Hendrik rubbed the back of his neck and looked everywhere but at his superior.

Malachi nearly chuckled at the nervous energy that surrounded the usually very confident male wolf.
"Forget it. I want to know about the reports. Have they been handed to Hamilton yet?"

"No. Us team captains were just about to finish them and hand them in tonight. A lot of the new warriors have made so much progress."

"Alright, good," Malachi crossed his arms and tried to stop the distracting thoughts of his beautiful mate. "And did you write one about Ariella?"

"No, I didn't think it was appropriate, seeing as she will be our Luna."

"Good, that's right. Well, officially, she won't get ranked according to our system like the other wolves. Unofficially, however," the Alpha looked at his Gamma sternly and spoke quietly, "I want you to assess her on the usual strengths and weaknesses, just like the others. But give your report directly to me, is that understood?"

"Yes, Alpha." Gamma Hendrik couldn't keep the confusion from his expression, but he obeyed his Alpha and went off to do his bidding.

Malachi knew it didn't seem very forthcoming to have a background report like this done on Ariella, but he wanted an accurate assessment of her abilities. He knew she was smart, and stronger than she gave herself credit for. But just in case someone called her out as unfit for the Luna position, assuming she chose to accept the position, he wanted documentation that proved some of her tactic and problem solving skills.
That was the purpose of the expeditions— to analyse everyone's strengths and weakness, physical and mental.

Making his way towards home, he finally allowed himself to dissect the growing friendship between him and his mate. He couldn't deny that he enjoyed being with Ariella, and she was definitely persistent in staying by his side.
But the doubts still clung to him.
If she knew the full truth of his family, would she still want to be with him?

He pushed open his bedroom door, and his eyes collided with his mate's. She jumped, startled at his abrupt entrance, but quickly continued what she was doing. She lingered by his bedside table, and he wandered over to her.

"What are you doing?" he ran his fingers across her shoulder and down her back, pleased with the way she reacted—her head turned his direction, her body angled towards his as if drawn by the magnetism.

"Oh, just some dusting," she brushed a cloth over his lampshade.

"Doesn't Harlow take care of that?"

"She used to. But I live here now, so it's my responsibility. I'm happy to look after the house and care for you in this way," her brown eyes lifted to him, and Malachi felt his breath momentarily stop. The innocent tilt of her lips was nearly enough to drive him crazy. When he looked closer and noticed the fast fluttering of the pulse in her neck, he leaned in and inhaled her heavy scent of blossoms.

"Okay, then. Don't overwork yourself, though. If there's ever anything you need, just let me know," he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, and could feel the unusually fast beat of her heart. Was she still wound up from training? Had she not warmed down enough? Had she been frightened by something and was still recovering from a shock?

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