Chapter 30

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"No, I haven't. Is she okay? Maybe I should go visit—"

"No, no, Ariella. It's fine. She's fine. Just..." Beta Knight leads me to a bench that's situated along the path, encircled by old and brittle shrubs, and takes the time to explain to me. "She gets really bad headaches, maybe two or three times a year. It's gotten worse ever since the Alpha died. When she's suffering, she likes us to all stay away. The noise and interaction only make it worse, you know?"

"Oh," I frown and wish there was something I could do for her. "Does she like flowers? Maybe I could give her some lavender. Or I could make her some soup! Or—"

"Ari, really," Knight lays a hand on my arm, stopping me and my mouth slowly shuts. "She likes to be left alone. You have no idea what she's really going through."
I nod, deflated.

"But enough dark thoughts for today. Cheer up! We can still carry on. What did you have planned for today? Let's get that cheerful smile back on your face," he tells me warmly, and I squint my eyes up at him. His happy mood is contagious however, and I feel myself smile back. "There it is!" He cuffs my cheek like a father might to his little girl, and I shake my head in amusement.

"So what were you so determined about earlier when you weren't looking where you were going? I just know there's something stewing in that clever mind of yours," he prods.

I look at him sideways, suddenly getting an idea. "Okay, so, I'm planning a bonfire and pizza night tonight. I think it will be amazing if everyone can hang out, enjoy food and dancing together, and get to know and understand each other. You know, the older generations of wolves and the younger ones. We need to bond as one pack."

"I like it. I like it a lot," Knight muses, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

"Yeah, and you can help me prepare, right? I was going to ask Harlow, but you're so much more fun to be around—" I stop talking when I realise what I just said, how I practically insulted the Beta female.

Knight chuckles. "Sure. What do you need me to do? I am at your service, milady," he gives an ostentatious bow, and I can't help smiling broadly.

We go over the plans, what we'll need for the night, and how to get everything ready in time. First, Knight helps me find a wood fire oven for the pizza that someone in the pack had lying around, then we go shopping and buy all the ingredients. I make sure I get plenty of pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, and of course, mustard.

Knight rounded up a few willing volunteers to build a large bonfire, and I watch as it takes shape in the small meadow beside the training field. Logs are rolled up to form seats around it, and tables are brought to hold the food. A thrill of excitement runs through me as a festive mood settles over the activities. This reminds me of Fire Nights in my old pack, and I can already see the wolves talking and eating with one another, swapping stories and laughs as they enjoy the night off.

"Ariella, the Alpha wants to know how you're doing?"

I slap my palm to my forehead. "I was supposed to see Malachi at lunch! Bother! Umm...just tell him I've been caught up hanging out with people."

"He sounded pretty upset through the mind-link..." Knight grimaces, obviously not liking being caught in the middle of a mild domestic spat.

"Let him know I'll come find him later," I say, and hurry back to topping the pizzas. The sun is setting, it's almost time to call everyone to enjoy the evening, but there are just so many pizzas to make and even with Knight and a few others helping, we don't seem to get it prepared quickly enough.

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