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My anxiety,

It’s high,

No, it’s through the roof,

No, it stretches from Hell to Heaven.

What caused this.

Why am I over thinking?






>Wipe your eyes.

>You’re fine.

>It’s going to


It’s all a lie,

You can’t be happy!

It’s not how it works.



>Just breath.

>You can be happy.

>You will be happy.

But what if..


>You won’t always be happy,

>And that’s okay.

>It’s okay to be sad,

>It’s okay to cry.

>You just have to get back up.

But what if I can’t?

>Can’t never could.

>You are strong,

>You can do whatever you want.

I want to curl up into a ball.

>For how long?

I don’t know,

A long time.

>How about we eat ice cream and binge,

>Just for a few days,

>The weekend would be nice.

>Come Monday,

>Your eyes will be dry.
And I’ll be happy?

>One step closer.

>One day,

>One step at a time.

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