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How do you change the world?

One person at a time,


But HOW do you change the world?

Through love.

No one wants to love anymore,

I don't blame them.

It heart wrenching,

And cruel,

And sad,

And scary.

And honestly, if Love wasn't so amazing,

I wouldn't want to love anyone either.

They way I see it,

You love someone who has never been loved,

They get scared and run,

And then suddenly,

They're not loved anymore,

And it hurts.

So they go looking,

And find someone,

Who was like them,

And they love with everything they have,

Because you showed them how amazing it was,

And the cycle goes on.

Unconditional love, running from fear, sadness, unconditional love.

You change the world through Love.

You give everything your all,

And in the very end,

You won.

Nothing is doomed.

Everthing is happy.

Now there are people,

Like him,

Who takes a while to figure out love,

And that's okay,

Because soon they'll look back,

And realize how amazing love was.

How scary,

How exhilarating,

How amazing,

How happy,

And hurtful

Love is.

And they'll want it back.

That is how you change the world.

One person at a time.

Through love.




And smiles.

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