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Genji hopped from one rooftop to the next, hoping to reach the prick before he made his escape
He was going to make them pay

Angela quickly pulled the bullet out and sowed the wound, giving the old lady some pills and helping her to bed. Aunt May seemed to not be in as much pain as a normal person should be.
It raised suspicion in Angela's mind.

"Hey, auntie?" Angela cautiously asked, ready to make a break for it if the woman was deemed dangerous. May took note of her stiff posture.

"Yes, darlin'?" The elderly woman asked. She had an accent Angela couldn't identify.
"Have you been shot before?"
The question took her off guard

Old lady May chuckled "Of course, darlin'. I was a part of the military after all. So many years ago" Angela sighed in relief, her shoulder sagging

"I'm the military?" She as now curious, sitting at the edge of the old woman's bed like she always did when the other woman told her a story

May smiled and patted the space closer to her before beginning to tell her tale after mercy was comfortable in that spot

"I was a super soldier. One of the first attempts at those, at least. I helped serve my country and train the new, improved soldiers"

"Super soldiers?" Angela had a look of absolute pain on her face. The lady was confused
"Yes, Angie, is there something wrong?"

"Can I ask something, aunt May?"
The lady nodded and refused the urge to say 'you just did' Angela looked very conflicted

"Did you know.. anyone by the name.." Angela contemplated asking about Jack, but decided against it. She didn't want to hear about him again.

"Gabriel Reyes" she finally said, looking back to May "Gabe?" Her eyes widened "Of course, I knew him. He was one of the brightest. The most promising. Him and that Morison kid"

Angela grit her teeth at the mention of Jack
"They hated each other's guts. They couldn't stand each other for five minutes. Heard they worked together before they killed each other off"

Angela sighed and nodded. She knew Jack wasn't dead, Gabriel was.. dead, but in a different way.
Or so she assumed when she saw the shadow slip out of the window that night.

She never told Genji. She just said the body was gone and that she was sure Gabriel was dead.
Someone had stolen the body, he must've thought.
Not 'the body turned to black mist and dashed off into the sunset"

"Why'do you ask? How'd'you know 'em?"
Angela shrugged "I knew him once.. we were close.. and then he left" May got the hint and didn't press further on the topic

Genji returned a few minutes later, panting and pissed "couldn't find the prick, must've changed their clothes or.. someone was waiting for them or.. I don't know.." he apologized over and over again, bowing 90 degrees for a full ten minutes

"Genji.. we are going to see Winston" Angela said the moment they stepped into their house
The man gave a single, silent nod and went off somewhere while she went to pack up her medical tools

She called up the hospital she worked at "Carla? It's me. Yeah.. I'm leaving town. I don't know when or if I'll be back. It's no one's fault, just found family I thought I'd never see again"

Carla, her co-worker and best friend was very sad, but encouraged her to go see the family she missed so dearly "Angela? Come visit"

"Of course I'll visit! I'll miss you.. bye"
The medic placed the phone on the table and sighed, her hands covering her face
She felt a hand on her back and leaned into the touch

"We'll be okay. We got each other" Genji reassured her and she nodded, smiling up at him with a big inhale, trying to get some hope into her system

"We leave tomorrow at first light" Genji stated and she nodded with a hum "let's pack"


Winston dropped the banana on his lap, Athena giving a beep of surprise as someone walked into the room, rifle clapsed tightly in their grasp

"Where is everyone?" They asked

Winston stuttered, before pointing towards big double doors that lead to a big room filled with smiling faces and crying people

They grunted a 'thank you' before slipping into the room Winston was pointing at


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