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Even though I don't celebrate it.. I WISH ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE AND THAT YOU HAVE AN AMAZING 2019!! 🎄


"Alright. We're here" Angela sighed as they dragged their luggage. Well, Genji dragged her luggage as he really didn't have anything to bring besides his weapons and a few mementos

She had a heavy backpack on her shoulder, her other hand had a map they bought after struggling around city, because they forgot the way around

Genji had three bags full of Angie's equipment strapped to him, but seemed to carry them with ease and not mind the small workout

Athena scanned her in at the door and they walked to a room where all the noise was coming from
Genji placed everything down and gave the door a push, making it slide open

Angela slid the other one away and they stared at a few members of Overwatch
"MERCY!" Mei yelled running and engulfing her in a hug "M-mei?!"

Everyone thought she died in nowhere in wherever they left her and her team
Snowball quickly flew over to her side

Lena or Tracer quirked an eyebrow at them "Genji?" She asked softly and the man next to Angela gave a hum "Nice to see you, too, Lena" his robotic-ish voice spoke through the metal mask

She sprinted towards him, latching to his side
Ana was next to say hello and then Zarya and after that Pharah

Angela quickly sat next to Pharah as they quickly fell into a deep conversation
A few minutes later Rein and Winston walked in
And then a man with a visor on

Genji gave a nod their way, but Angela completely ignored the man and continued to laugh with Pharah and Reinhardt

After a while of catching up, a loud voice interrupted the steady thrumming of many conversations

"It's great to see y'all again"
An accented voice said from behind them and everyone sat at the long table turned around and saw Jesse Mccree

Cigar in the corner of his mouth, hands on hips and hat still mostly intact
"Oh, Jesse!" Mercy gave him a hug and he returned it "Now, now, Angie no need for tears" he chuckled and she nodded sitting down and trying to calm her wild emotions

He turned to see a silver and green mech
His eyes widened a little before he smiled
"GENJI!" He exclaimed and the other man gave a whir of relief
They embraced each other for a bit before breaking apart "Damn, you've changed"

"Yeah..side effects of the blow" Genji shrugged "what happened to your hand?" He pointed out looking at Mccree's synthetic one

"Long story, darlin'" Mccree chuckled
Ana quickly gave him a slap over the head, knocking the hat off his head
"At least greet everyone else" she hissed before also hugging him "missed ya, too, grams"
That earned him another hit


After everyone calmed down, each went their separate ways or went into different rooms for the night. Jesse decided to drag Genji to the rooftop

Genji sat there and looked at how beautiful the city looked at night, sparkling with small lights from each house and streetlight

Wished he could feel the wind brushing past him or the cold chilly air that would make him cuddle next to Mccree, but he felt nothing

"So..how've you been?" Mccree asked as he turned to the silver man "Um.. been better" he laughed
Mccree couldn't help but smile at that laugh

"I missed you" Jesse scooted closer making Genji a bit uncomfortable "Look, Jesse, we need to talk.."
"Well, we are talking, baby.. what's wrong?"

"Um.. look, it's been a long while since I've.. felt anything for anyone. Since I thought you were dead.. and because I thought you were gone I.. adapted. I'm just.. not interested anymore"

"So..you don't love me anymore, is that it?"
"No, Jesse, of course I love you! It's because of that.. I just.. I'm a God damn omnic now, I can't do love. I'm just a robot now.."

"No, baby, you're not.. what? because you lost some human parts, you've given up now?"
"Jesse, I love you. More than anything. More than anyone. I will always love you, but I just.. can't"
The younger sighed and stood up

Mccree stayed sat there for a few more minutes before getting up as well and leaving for his own room

"Hey, Jesse, are you okay?" Fareeha asked as she passed by him in the hallway
He hadn't noticed he had teared up a bit
"Yeah.. just.. I came here for something. And.." he just shook his head and left her standing there, confused

"Um.. Mccree?" She called after him, but he just gave a wave and continued walking
"Leave him, he'll get over it" Mercy said, suddenly at her side "Get over what?"

"..you'll see"

Genji groaned the moment he shut the door
"Great going, you fucking idiot!"
He sat down on the floor and stared blankly ahead of him "I.. I can't. I tried, Jesse. It won't work"

"All I wanted coming here was you, but I can't make you carry my burdens. I'm not human anymore. I'll outlive you and I can't fulfill you. You'll find someone else and I'm happy just being around.."

Genji didn't know if that was the truth or a lie
He couldn't tell what was right from wrong
He didn't know what he was doing

He remembered loving Jesse and if he looks into his memories, he gets that feeling again
But, when he's in the present moment..
He doesn't feel anything. For anyone.

"I don't know what I'm doing..."


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