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This was supposed to be uploaded tomorrow, but this is urgent. I need you guys' help.
If you know film theory and game theory, MatPat needs your help. Smosh. 49 different youtubers

If you don't know what a MCN is, it's all explained in this video: https://youtu.be/ACNhHTqIVqk

Or just check out his recent one. They were contracted to this MCN named Defy and they just got robbed of 1.7 MILLION dollars.

We need to get the word out to force ally bank (I'm not sure if that's the right name) to listen so they can get their money back

I heard Smosh is HOMELESS
Many people lost a lot of things and MatPat is a new father. He, his wife, kid and people that he works with as well as 49 different YouTube channels depend on getting the word out

Even if you don't watch the video, at least spread the link around. It helps more than you know. Thank you for reading <3


"Sombra, the door" I ordered through the small intercom
She gave an elongated sigh "Every time!" She whined right before the door opened a slither

"Sombra! The door!" She mocked in her deepest voice "No please, no thank you" She grumbled to herself "Just shut up" I groaned

She huffed, but didn't say another word
WidowMaker whispered a "Reaper" into the device, her voice hesitant, but thoroughly annoyed

"What is it?" I asked, plugging the small device into one of the computers "Ooh! We're in!" Sombra cheered before we heard clicking of keyboard keys
The screen in front of me lit up and many windows were opened and downloaded swiftly

"We have company" widow answered making me growl under my breath
"It's Overwatch" she continued
I left the computers and walked outside as fast as I could. There were four

"How many?" I asked, looking to the top of the building where I knew she was, but I couldn't exactly see her "Four"

I saw reinforcements run up to the building and sighed "Take care of them, I need to make sure Sombra can still pull that info out"

"Sure" she replied before Sombra piped in
"Umm.. Gabe? I can't exactly do anything while trying to be killed by three people"

"I'm close by"
I used my body decay and slid through small cracks
I pulled out my guns and shot two of them down, but didn't kill them
She had already tied up their third

"How much is left?"
"Um.. about a third" she answered before hurrying back to the computer and starting to hurriedly fix something "what's wrong?" I sighed

"My hacks are being overridden.. someone is messing with my stuff!" She looked, for once, worried "there is someone.. something in our way"

"Does Overwatch have anything that can—" She motioned towards the computer, blinking blue every file that was locked from her reach
"Athena.. but, she isn't here?"

"Unless someone else is carrying her around"
Realization struck
"Carrying her? Like a USB? They still have to insert her, Gabe" Sombra sighed, frustrated

"Widow, where are they?"
"Can't talk! I got the bitch, Tracer up my-"
"Sombra hack into the camera system and find me the rest of them"

"On it. It's going to take a bit, though"
She quickly pulled up some footage "take a bit?" I asked with a hint of a smile in my tone

"Finding them will"
She kept jumping from one scene to the next, scanning it along with me before skipping

"Ding ding ding!" She pulled some footage up "this camera, dear Gabe, has been messed with. It's replaying.. they're near here"

"Keep trying, I'll take care of them"


"How much longer?" I asked and Winston hummed in thought "about.. fifteen?"
"Fifteen minutes, we won't be able to stay hidden fifteen minutes!"

I saw something move with the corner of my eye and spun around, but nothing was there
"Well, I don't think we're hidden anymore"


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