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Ahem, I'm still not over the wattpad update thing, I want the old one back ahem
Story's really close to ending! Damn!


"Jesse! Please! Wait" I grabbed onto his arm, expecting him to shove me off, but he didn't
He just stood there, stiff

"I'm sorry.. after I lost the rest of my human side I.. I feel like I've lost many human qualities" I whispered, tightening my grip on his forearm

"I'm sorry, too" he mumbled
His warm voice, his accent, his smell..
I missed this. I missed him. But, why couldn't I be with him? What's wrong with me?

"It's gonna be okay, darlin'" he whispered to me, holding me close to him
I hugged him back, finally letting the walls I built break in front of the only person I'd allow to see. The one man I'd let see me falling apart

The one man that would put me back together
"I just-ju- feel like I'm not even a human anymore! And I miss you! God, I miss you! But, I can't.."

"It's okay, sweetheart.. no matter what happens in the future, you'll always be the man I loved first.. you'll always have a place in my heart.."

The way he said it..
He sounded so mature and grown up!
I let more tears slips free under my visor. He accepted that he might meet someone else..
And I accepted that, too.. it was going to be okay

"Here, lemme" he pulled the visor off and sighed "Oh, baby boy, what did that blast do ta you?" He gently touched some of my scars

"But, you're still as beautiful as eve'.. mind explaining how?" I laughed at that making him smile "there it is.. worth the wait, eh?"

I hugged him again and he rocked us back and forth, his breathing calming me, his heart hammering shook us both with each beat in contrast to my weaker one, a mere echo to his

"It'll all be fine" he kept telling me and for once, I believed that.. I knew things would get better
Because, I had people that cared for me

Because, I finally had a purpose..
McCree would be here for me, and Angela, and now even Jack and maybe someday Gabriel again and hopefully Hanzo

Now, I had a bond to protect and people to wait for and people to wake up for each day. Like Zenyatta and Jesse. I finally think maybe that hatred would subside at some point..


After about 3 hours, I decided it was time to finally do something.. I've been living without Gabriel for how long? For years! But, I couldn't wait another moment right now..

I needed to see him.
To make sure that it wasn't all my imagination
That I wasn't hallucinating on all that medication
That he was really out there..

Waiting for me like I, him
That we were both reaching out into the same pit of hope, reaching out for each other without even knowing it.. that it was meant to be

I used to be this great soldier. This hero.
This flame but that flame was dwarfed by Gabriel's burning bonfire. It reached the sky and burned so bright, it blinded

I never thought he'd see me like is saw him.
I took his position and saw myself as this hotshot I never truly ever knew what he saw in me
But, I was glad he had me in his heart,
On his mind

Maybe we were both blinded by this light
Maybe we both saw each other the same way, as this big fire.. burning with passion and purpose..
Both knowing it wouldn't work, but reaching out, blinded by each other, reaching out for one another without knowing where they were

Maybe we were born for each other
Yes, it was childish to think that, but what if?
It didn't matter who believed what or if it were childish or not because it didn't matter..

It didn't matter the purpose of my existence, but I will dedicate that existence to him.
Because, he would do the same.. and more importantly because I loved him

I love that man!
And way back when I might've never said it aloud, but I don't care if I have to run around screaming it just to prove a point.. not that I need to prove anything to anyone, but him.
And he already knows that I can't live without him


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