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Previously on Chronophobia
"Well I don't think we're hidden anymore"

"Mercy, D.Va stay back" I said to the two looking in some cabinets
"What?" Angela asked, still holding the folder she was looking through

"I saw something move.. stay here, 'til I say it's safe" I crouched down to her level
She was curled up next to the drawers and D.Va was at the other side of the room, kneeling next to an open cabinet, half her body inside

"Have you found anything?" I asked, barely seeing her face in the dark room with barely any light
She held her flashlight tightly and slowly, shakily held it up pointing behind me

I stood up quick, turning to see a shadow facing me
The shadow turned into a bulky body dressed in all black "Which one of you has been causing us all that trouble?" An inhuman voice asked

Angela shuddered behind me and D.Va, in a rush to get out and see what the hell is happening, banged her head against the inside of the cupboard

I pulled my pulse rifle off my back and held it close to my chest "Reaper" I greeted
He looked around, glancing at Angela then me, but not double checking D.Va

"Oh, shit" he mumbled
"What did I tell you?!" It felt like he was talking to me, but it was definitely to his teammates
"Nobody fucking listens to me!" He growled low and deep "Widow, get us out"

There was a soft thrumming of words, widow or whatever speaking back
He rolled his shoulders and sighed "We meet again. For the last time, hopefully"

He pulled out his double shotguns and tried shooting at D.Va but I quickly rammed into him sending us both flying back into the hallway

"Told you! I told you! I didn't have enough time to warn her, that's why I can't blame her, but you-" he shot at me twice

I barreled into a room, breaking the door and hid behind the desk. Finally pain bloomed and I realized I was shot in the leg

"You need to forgive me, Jack" reaper said shooting at the desk a couple more times before I heard his guns hit the ground

"I need to rough you up a bit. So they don't suspect anything, you know?" He spoke to mostly himself
I heard D.Va grunt and looked to see her in his grip

"Would've never expected it'd be you out of all people" Reaper grabbed the cylinder attached to her hip and crushed it in his grip

"Sombra How is it going?" He asked, his hand coming up to cup around his ear piece
There was another low, inaudible thrum

He threw her at me and left
She stumbled into me, clutching her arm where he'd grabbed her, claw marks engraved into it
She cried out in pain leaning forward trying to shield her arm from the rushing wind that was left by reaper's flying out of the room

I quickly got up as soon as Angela walked in. I couldn't exactly leave the kid alone like that. I hurried and saw him outside, looking for their third

"Reaper!" I exclaimed, my rifle pointed at his back
He sighed "You shouldn't be here" he replied turning around, but not pulling another pair of shotguns

"I need answers" I stated and he tilted his head in confusion "That night.. the night of the blast in the Swiss base.. a body disappeared. Where is he? Where did you take him?"

I stepped closer and he jerked back a few steps
"Leave, Jack" he demanded attempting to leave
In a sudden, questionable moment I put my spare extra gun to my stomach

"You leave and I'll shoot"
He turned to me and froze for a bit
"What makes you think I care?" He asked, crossing his arms above his chest "You're still here, aren't you? That's enough proof for me"

He sighed once more before uncrossing his arms
"A body, huh? I don't know nothing about a body"
"Of course you know. Gabriel Reyes. Where did you take him and if it weren't you who did"

"Any other questions?"
"Yeah... why? Why did that happen to him.. why did you take him from me?" My voice was surly strained by now, Unshed tears from years finally catching up


Exams are over! Honestly, I uploaded more than I thought I would. Whenever you say you'd stop doing something to study, you just.. don't.

Well, anyway the story's almost come to an end! There's only 5 chapters and an epilogue!
Hope your having a wonderful day/night!

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