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I pulled out the black earpiece from my pant pocket "I really hope this works" I mumbled to myself


I was sat next to Widow on the couch, curled up next to each other as she spoke in her sexy French, groaning about this movie we were watching

Gabriel had went straight up to his suite upstairs and not even regarded us the entire night. Poor guy must've felt so horrible

I heard a weird humming from my earpiece on the table right next to the couch
I quirked an eyebrow at Amelie and she shrugged, gesturing towards it

"Who is it?" I asked, plugging it into my ear "Where's Gabriel?" A male voice asked "Uh.. who is this? Wait! Is this jack?"

I stood up on the couch and hopped off, for some reason, straitening my shirt
Widow hurried to stand up, too, standing close to me with furrowed, thin eyebrows

"Yes.. look I just need to see him.."
"Surprised you would.. ah, wait! That was sarcasm. Um.. you want the address?"

"Would appreciate it.. is he okay?"
"He'll be okay soon enough.. I'm glad you don't hate him or something. I mean he was really negative when we came back, I thought you didn't want to see him again or something"

Amelie gave a relieved sigh and sat back down on the couch, cross legged
"Are you sure I should come then?"
"Positive! Okay! Wait... promise me you won't tell Overwatch where we are—"

He cut me off "I swear it on my life!"
"Good.. okay.."
I gave him the address and we waited til he came
Amelie invited him inside, her hands rubbing on her thighs. for the first time, nervous

"Umm.. I'll call him over and then me and you should go.. we can go take a stroll?"
"In the woods? On a mountain? In pajamas?"
"Yes! I'll just go get him"

I climbed up the stairs and knocked on the door
"What?" He asked from inside, his voice rough with anger and frustration
"There's someone downstairs for you" I answered and immediately the door was yanked open

"Who? You did cancel the meeting.. right?" He asked in a threatening way "Yes, Of course I did, Gabe. You would doubt me?"

I pat his head "don't worry, I got you" he swatted my hand making me giggle
"Stop being so bitter! Come downstairs" I dragged him by the hand and went downstairs

He was grumbling the entire time 'til he saw Jack
"What is he doing here? What're you doing here?" He looked to the both of us then him and back and forth for a few minutes

"We'll give you guys some privacy. Mon amour" Widow called me over, motioning for me to come to her side with her hand

I quickly slipped from Gabe's side and to Amelie's
"Have fun! Bye~" I waved before slamming the door shut


"You shouldn't be here" I stated
He rolled his eyes, his visor already thrown onto the table along with.. my earpiece?

"Gabe, I know you wouldn't have actually come for me" he started throwing his jacket onto the couch "You know.. you should stop lying to me"

"Mi amor, I wasn't lying"
"Oh I missed the way you said that" he said, walking up to me, his hand dancing on my chest
"I missed you" I stated in a low voice

"I missed you, too" he whispered in a pained tone
"How will this ever work? You're in Overwatch and I'm in Talon" I mumbled

"I won't tell you you should leave Talon. That was your choice and you chose it for a reason.. and I can't just leave Overwatch, because there are many people I still want to take care of..

Protect.. like Genji of all people" he chuckled
"Genji? How is he? And Jesse?"
He laughed at my sudden burst of worry
"They're fine! Genji is.. not at his best. Jesse either. They're not together anymore"

My eyebrows furrowed "Why not? They seemed like fucking soulmate! Kissing during training" I pinched the bridge of my nose

"Genji is having some issues along losing the rest of his human body parts.." he said, drawing circle on my left pectoral muscle

"I like the look! Damn, black tight shirt and grey sweats!" He suddenly said, trying to change the subject "I really am sorry, Jackie"

"Yeah.. me, too.. but it's gonna get better now"
He promised, holding both my shoulders
"Yeah.." I whispered, leaning lower

He looked at my eyes then trailed down to my lips before closing his eyes and leaning forward too
My lips pressed against his, feeling his scar but I didn't really mind the feeling

"I'm still fucking angry" he said when I pulled back "I'll take care of that" I replied, pushing him to the couch "Gabriel, you will not silence me"

"Yes, I will" "Gabe!" He laughed as I trailed kisses down his neck. I finally sat him on the couch, straddling him "Hey! Finally! Those thighs have returned to my life"

I chuckled, but it was hollow
We were still very hurt from all that separation, but it's going to get better.. we're going to get better
"Stop staring and start working"
He joked, pulling me down by the neck, kissing me again "We have all the time in the world"

"Actually, we have until the two decided to come back" he replied, lifting an eyebrow
"Who? Amelie and Sombra? Those two are gonna be 'strolling' 'til tomorrow"

He laughed again, filling up the silence of the house
Oh, yeah.. Things were finally looking up

That's it, folks!
Stay around for the epilogue if ya want 😘

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