voices off [nathan sharp](one)

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School was always a fun thing for me. Being picked on for not being able to speak. I mean I look like everyone else it's just my voice doesn't work. I have opinions too! I understand and comprehend everything. Its just I can't express it.

"Move it loser." A girl pushes me down. I look up to see Morgan the drama nerd. I sigh. She's such a bitch to me and she's the drama nerd!

I get up from the ground and trail my way to class.

Maybe one of the reasons I get picked on is because I have a lot of tattoos. No, a bunch of kids have tattoos. Is it because I have black hair? No black hair is normal. Maybe because I wear all black? No again students do that too. Is it possible because I wear flower crowns? No people do that too.

I sigh. It's my senior year so I get to pick classes I take. I decided to take music all classes. Well only first through fifth after that I could go home.

I would get made fun of even more since I'm in a music class where I can't sing. I can play instruments but I don't let people see.

"Y/N to the office." The bell had just rang and I'm already called to the office. I sigh grabbing my bag and making my way to the office. When I reach the office the secretary points me to the principals office. I nod and walk in.

When I walk in I see Mr. Felix with a student. He had ebony hair and black gauges. He wore all black and wore black rimmed glasses.


I was told to go into the office once I got there. "Are you Mr. Nathan Sharp?" I heard a deep voice say. I look to see my principal Mr.Felix. "Uh yes but I preferred to be called Nate." I say. "Oh okay Nate, well I'll have someone show you around." He says something into the intercom but I don't hear.

Soon a girl with long black hair and black rimmed glasses. She also had tattoos up both of her arms. She wore all black but she also had a flower crown in colors of pastel blue and white placed on her head.

"Nate this is Y/N she'll be showing you around." I look to Y/N who seemed to give a weird look to Mr. Felix. She pulled out a notebook and scribbled some words down in it.

It read, "How am I supposed to show him around if I can't speak?!". She can't speak? "You'll do fine Y/N. You have your notebook." He smiled. "Now head on."

She sighed walking out of the office. I followed her. I see her stop and write something in her notebook. She turns and shows it to me. "Where your schedule?" She looks at me. I notice how both her eyes are grey. I grab in my bag and hand her a crumpled piece of paper.

She looks through it and motions me to follow her. We walk down a hall until we are in front of a blue door. She scribbles in her notebook once more. "Okay this is your English class. You only have classes till fifth hour then you're able to go home." I nod. We walk into the class.

"Hello Y/N is this Mr. Sharp?" She nods. "I prefer to be called Nate." I say. "Okay Nate, I'm Ms. Marzia. Please take a seat in an empty chair." She smiles.

I go and take a seat in the front of the classroom. "Y/N do you want to sit in." Y/N nods and smiles. She takes a seat next to Ms. Marzia.


Ms. Marzia wanted me to sit in on her class. I do this from time to time with a lot of classes since the only class I need to go to is fifth hour.

Mr. Felix comes in halfway through the lesson. "Uh Ms. Marzia the girls are fighting again." She stands up from her seat. "Y/N would you take over the class?" I nod. "Students, Y/N will supervise while I deal with the situation. Please finish your quote assignment. If you need help please ask Y/N." Ms. Marzia rushes out of the room.

Almost everyone in this class hates me so I just stay in my seat.

Class was almost over and Ms. Marzia just came in. "Thank you Y/N." "No problem Ms. Marzia." (Italics with quotations is what she wrote on her notebook.) The bell rings and everyone files out of the class.

"Where to next?" Nate asks.

It was time for fifth hour. "My favorite class, music. We have the same class." I smile. I lead Nate into the classroom. It was free day, meaning no one did any work.


I wanted to know why Y/N couldn't speak. "Hey Y/N why can't you speak if you don't mind me asking?" She turns to face me. She pulls out two notebooks. One just a cheap journal the other a black faded leather notebook.

She puts the leather one on the floor and starts to write. "I was born with messed up vocal cords. Meaning I couldn't speak. I've been like this for eighteen years." She has such pretty handwriting. "How does someone last like this for that long?" "You get used to it. All the bullying that follows." She's bullied.

"So why did you sign up for music? You know since you can't speak." I felt like that was rude but she didn't seem to think so. "I like writing music. I also play a couple instruments." She grabs the faded notebook and hands me it.

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