Author's Note

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This story was originally written for a writing challenge on Tumblr from the amazing using @ the-claire-bitch-project. The prompt was "Switched luggage".  It was supposed to be one story, but after all the positive feedback I had received about it, I decided to write more parts. 

I hope you enjoy. 

Summary: The reader is on her way to New York City for a two-week work-related trip. Everything seemed to go fine until she realizes that the one and only Tom Holland, Spider-Man himself, is on the same flight as her. 

Hearts flutter, but the nerves get the better of everyone... Except for the best friend and wingman, Harrison Osterfield. Will his plan to get the girl for his friend work out? Or will it only cause more trouble? 

The Wingman // t.h.Where stories live. Discover now