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"Hey Sophie! Glad you could make it!" Biana said as she greeted Sophie at the gates of Everglen.

"Of course! It's been so long since I've hung out here with you! I barely get to see you in school anymore now that I'm in the silver tower." Sophie responded as she embraced Biana in a hug. They continued their conversation as they made their way into the house. 

"Do you have anything specific planned for today?" Sophie added.

"Well, I was doing some research for the human unit in my multispeciesial studies class about their forms of entertainment and I came across something. I found this movie that seems to be pretty popular and I thought it would be fun to watch together." Biana explains, her enthusiasm showing in her tone.

"I know how much you care about humans and you spent so much time with them. This can be a chance for me to learn more about them and understand your past better." Biana continued.

Wow, Sophie thought, none of my friends has ever done something like that for me

"We don't have to watch it if it brings back too many memories Sophie." Biana said, afraid that the silence on Sophie's end was a negative thing.

"No, that's not it. It's  just so thoughtful of you. I'm really excited to watch the movie! What movie did you pick?" Sophie replied.

"This one called Titanic, have you ever heard of it?" she said.

Sophie's eyes widened. Of course she had heard of Titanic! She hadn't actually seen it though cause she was too young when she left the human world to have watched it. 

"I've heard of it but I haven't actually seen it. This is gonna be so fun!" Sophie explained.

"Great! I had Dex come over earlier and set up some stuff so we could watch it." Biana told her. "Come on, it's upstairs in the living room." she said as she started walking towards the aforementioned location.

The girls plopped down on the sofa upstairs and started the movie. They got through a decent chunk of the movie before Keefe and Fitz came strolling through the room interrupting them. 

"Hey Biana, I need to talk to you really quick." Fitz said, talking over the movie.

"Right now? Sophie and I are kinda in the middle of something." she said, not wanting to abandon Sophie and miss parts of the movie.

"It's alright, I can keep Foster company." said Keefe, for Fitz's benefit, or maybe his own.

"Fine, you better make this fast though Fitzroy." Biana settled, getting up from the couch and following Fitz out of the room. 

Keefe set himself down on the sofa a little closer to Sophie then necessary. Sophie shushed him and pointed to the movie before he had the chance to interrupt her movie viewing experience yet again.

He managed to keep himself quiet in order to stay on Sophie's good side. A few moments after joining her on the couch, they reach the part of the movie where Jack and Rose get intimate in the car.

Keefe felt an intense wave of emotions rush over Sophie. 

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